A choice to make?

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A choice to make?

Post by brant » Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:44 pm

Well first of all hello everybody I am new here but not all that new to fishkeeping or fish forums.
Here is my delema I have a 75 gal 48"x18"x20" tank and want to put some loaches in it. I love clowns but also have grown fond of weather loaches and I cannot choose wich :? to get I want 3 of one or the other.
Here is the tank perticulars and tankmates that will be in there.
1 water paramiters temp. 79 deg. F gh 4 kh 3 ph 6.8-7
2 substrate fine gravel 1mm one side to semi coarse on the other 2-3mm
with lite scatering of 15-20mm chunks of rounded rocks.
3 decore 3 larger peices driftwood and lots of rock stackwork caves.
4 plant hornwart, watersprite and anacherus. wiil be adding java fern and mabye an aponageten or 2.
5 filtration 1 magnum pro 350 with biowheels setup for flow lengthwise in the tank and 1 aqua clear 70 for cross flow.
6 other goodies 1 marineland air pump with 6" airstone
7 Lighting 1 48" 40 watt lightstrip 1 1watt led moonlight.
8 tank inhabitance some present some future. 10 zebra danios,1synodontis euruptis(I think thats how you spell it) future fish 1 pair of bristlenose plecos and either angel fish or apair of other softwater cichlids. plus the loaches wichever I pick.
So if my setup is better suited for one or the other or if you have an opinion to help sway me thats great to :wink: . Thanks in advance for any info or opinions.

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Post by daspricey » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:14 pm

hi :D
79 deg is to warm for the weather loaches. if you want one you will have to sacrifice the bristle nosed cat,angel fish and the cichlids.
synodontis euruptis
whats it's common name and whats it's temp range :?: the zebra danios like cooler water too :o !
you will have to lower the temp. :o
but i think it is well worth it for 3 weather loaches :wink: .


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Post by brant » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:30 pm

Thanks for the quick response.
The synodontises common name is featherfin catfish and it can tolerate down to 72 deg. F. Lower the temp to what deg.? Is there any plecos suitable for tankmates with weather loaches?Why are the bristnose plecos not compatable with the weather loaches they are a small pleco and only grow to about 5"? And also what tankmates can you suggest for replacing the angels or cichlids?

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Post by daspricey » Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:02 pm

i've just read up on the featherfin cat and it looks like it shouldn't be kept in a sub-tropical.
bristle nosed catfish like warmer temps.
after viewing it all the clowns would be better and try and get at least 5.
keep the temp as it isand get the other you wanted would be the best.
by looking at a couple of sites try and get more featherfin catfish(es).
how long has your tank been running?

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Post by brant » Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:57 pm

Actualy I have been reserching and it seems i have the temp to high for everybody as the bristlenose likes temp from around 76-71 deg F according to planet catfish.
Well it looks like back to the reserch. Thanks for the info.

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Post by daspricey » Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:40 am

and it's a bit to hot for the danios.
but danios are lovely. in your position i would.
1. take the featherfin cat back
2. lower the temp
3. get a mix of zebra and leopard danios
4. buy 3 weather lochas
and some other fishes this bits where it's fun.
paradise fish?
peppered corys?
bloodfin tetras?
white clouded minnows?
or maby bulldog plec?
you can mix the options. but do some research before you get them.
this setup would be sub-tropical!!!

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