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another setup

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:09 pm
by joren
A few posts ago I already started a hillstream setup, now I will setup another fishtank wich has the same measurements "100cm x 30cm x 30cm".
In this tank I want to keep a shoal of Yasuhikotakia morleti.
My question now is what other fish I could keep best with these in this size of tank.
I've kept these fish before in a community-setup but I had to sell them because of their agressive nature.
The sinibotia I have now are no good company for the skunks seeing that they cant offer enough ressistance against their attacks.
I don't have experience with keeping Epalzeorhynchos bicolor but this is a very beautiful fish and looking at how the big one that my neighbour had it must be tough enough to live in the same tank as the skunks.
The fish that should be able to compleet the fishcommunity in the tank would be a small shoal of Barbus tetrazona but I only have experience keeping sherrybarbs as barbspecie.
I can't think of other fish that could hold their own with the skunks and which stay relatively small looking at the tank's size.
If their would be other good tankmates which you think could thrive well in this kind of tank I will happely would like to read your suggestions.