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Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:45 pm
by BlueFinTunny
Hello all.

I'm not completely new to the aquarium hobby, but it's been a few years since I've had an active tank. I have a primitive knowledge of water chemistry, tank cycling, and popular fish compatibility. I successfully kept a couple of planted community tanks stocked with hardy fish (tetras, corys, danios, etc.) for years.

I have recently become captivated (due in large part to this site) with loaches. I just moved to a new place and bought a new tank. It's a 47.5 gallon tank and its dimensions are 37" L x 18" W x 21. 5" H. I have become particularly fascinated with clown loaches, but I recognize that this habitat is probably a bit small for their potential. I know there's a ton of information available on this website, and it's probably been discussed in earlier threads (though I could not find any). However, I thought I'd appeal to the expertise of the active users on this site for this question:

What would you all recommend as a relatively hardy loach, compatible for the size tank I have? I would like something behaviorly similar to the clown loach that would be comfortable in the size tank I have. Maybe a few different species? What are your recommendations as far as stocking (numbers and species) for a tank of this size? I am fully willing to create the habitat around the inhabitant's needs, and right now I have a blank canvas. The hardier the better! Thoughts?


Re: Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:58 pm
by NancyD
Y. sidthimunki came to mind first, you could have a nice group, say 9+ (ish). I love my sids! Not as flashy as clowns but they won't outgrow your tank, topping out at ~2.5 inches. They have a lot of "personality" in a small package. Some rasboras, maybe a bristlenose plec (if you don't care about an Asian theme) & a gourami or pair, pearls are pretty. It'd be an awesome set up!

B. striata are also very nice, I keep them with sids in a 4 ft 75g. If you wanted both it may be pushing it but my "zeebs" are really slow growers. Say 6 or so & I love rasboras too: harlequin, espei or red tailed, maybe 10-12. The longer I keep fish the more I like a good sized group of each species.

For a more mellow tank, pangios are nice but more reserved than botia types. I have p. semicincta, P. oblonga & vallantella maassi (hiders) together in a 40g long with cherry shrimp & a few other fish. You couldn't keep shrimp with botias most likely but they are interesting & useful animals in a planted tank.

Clowns are wonderful but there are some really great "others", it'll depend on what's available to you. A hillstream tank sounds great but I've yet to go there. Sewellia lineolata & white clouds may be my next tank...

Re: Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:22 pm
by BlueFinTunny
Thank you very much for the reply and the information!

Upon reading further about the species you recommended, the sids seem like a pretty good choice. It sounds as if they're more active during the day than most other loach species, and it appears as though they can withstand a decent range of water types. Their small size is also probably a benefit in that they may be less likely to uproot live plants. They don't seem to be the most widely available loach, though.

I'm quite fond of the hillstream loach as well, but everything I've read seems to indicate they might best be served for a more established aquarium (and one with cooler temperatures). What about the yoyo loach? Too big to house a proper group of them in a 47.5 gal?

Re: Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:52 am
by Diana
Loaches are really bottom oriented, and Yoyos would really be better started in a tank not shorter than about 4' long. They are energetic diggers, and predatory. (Mine ate Neon Tetras).

Ditto Nancy's suggestions: Kuhlies (any of several species) Sids, Zebra Loaches. While the Kuhlies may dig a bit, they are much smaller, so are plant-safe. My sids dug into the substrate only once, to get away from some territorial Cichlids. Zebra Loaches are good with small fish, but not shrimp. They are probably the best snail eaters of the smaller Loaches.

Re: Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:56 am
by redshark1
I would also say sidthimunkii are the ones to go for.

They are every bit Clown Loaches in miniature, real entertainers and very loveable.

My brother kept them and they were fabulous fish to own.

You could give them a good life in your tank.

Also, though they are not in the shops every week they are well worth waiting for and patience will always reward you in this hobby.

Re: Loach Recommendations for Beginners?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:42 pm
by kimura
Striata or Kubatai are a bit bigger than sids but are generally cheaper and more readily available.
6-8 of them should be fine if you watch the water changes. Good luck with your tank, you
definately came to the right place.