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New identifying this hillstream loach?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:58 am
by Eika
Hi all,
I'm new to this site, but have been researching about hillstream loaches recently and posts from this forum always crop up. It's such a useful source of loach info! :D Anyway, I'm hoping somebody can help me identify this loach, I got her (I now think it's a her, but named her Pablo originally and it's stuck!) from chain pet store about 8 weeks ago in a shipment of "Borneo Suckers." I think she's a Gastromyzon ocellatus but would like some second opinions! I also have a camera-shy G. ctenocephalus. These are my first loaches so I'm still learning so much!

I'm not sure if this link will work...

For now I'll describe her:
3cm long, dark brown base colour with lighter dots and flecks around the head area. Thick stripes beginning on her back just past the 'neck' with about 7 stripes on total. They get broader towards her tail, and eventually form a sort of splodgy pattern. Her tail has a red tint to it, and 2 long black patches, one shorter than the other. In behaviour, she is very active, always scooting around on her rocks, moves up into plants to graze on the leaves, and I swear she poses for the camera. She loves algae wafers and bits of grape.