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Golden Sucking Loach - companions?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:21 am
by Kat
Anyone know what you can keep these with once they get big and agressive?
Mine are only babies now, but I don't want to keep them on their own in a tank...

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:47 pm
by sophie
they're not actually loaches, so I might get told off for not posting this on the freshwater forum (Martin? ;-)), but the only thing I can think of that would almost definitely be ok with them is something small and schooling. Not at risk of being eaten and too little to attack. And probably too high up in the water column, the CAEs like to hang around at the bottom. I think a badtempered one would be competing for territory with most kinds of loaches. Whether it would damage them I don't know, but they might well end up feeling harrassed.

A fair amount of room, lots of algae and lower temps seem (anecdotally) to keep them sweeter. Sweetish, anyway.

Not a loach?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:24 am
by Kat
Oh I didn't realise they weren't loaches. Are they some kind of chinese mutant catfish? Am I correct that small fish that might fit the bill might include gupppies? I can't think of any really small fishes that are top dwelling and schooling. Someone mentioned cichlids, not noted for their beauty though - and I am not sure if they would fit the water the un-loaches prefer. Any ideas anyone? Should I move this onto the freshwater forum...?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:31 pm
by sophie
there's info here:

They're river fish and like current (hence the sucker), but as long as you've got well-oxygenated water you should be ok. Small schooling mid-to-top dwellers shouldn't be too hard to find - rasboras spring to mind, I'm pretty sure they should like the same kind of conditions, too. I know almost nothing about guppies, I'm afraid, but they could well work.

I don't belong to the "put it in a tank with other big territorial fish" school of thought; I'd just be inclined not to out it with anything it might get grumpy with - which is probably anthing bigger than a small goldfish!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:48 am
by Azmeaiel
guppies are definitly not advised. they are usually the first targets for a beating. A lot of friends of mine keep them with any cichlid not big enough to eat them.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:32 am
by Kat
Thanks for the advice guy's. I will do some investigations to see what is available that can live with these things!
Many thanks again,