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Bowl Show

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:08 pm
by starsplitter7
Yesterday my aquarium club had a bowl show. The theme was egg layers spawned and raised and live bearers spawned and raised.

For egg layers I took in an albino bristlenose and a regular bristlenose and a cherry shrimp. They were up against stiff competition. I enter fish just to see what will happen, and I didn't expect much for these.

My big hitter has a male molly who has a gold face, dorsal and caudal fin. His body is black with gold flecks and blue shimmer. He is a show stopper. As a little trick I took his mate to get him to put on a show. She is gray with black spots and a blue sheen. He got one vote, and she won first place! Isn't that craziness?

Re: Bowl Show

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:27 pm
by Crissyloach
Huh...crazy alright! Well, congrats!! :D