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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:48 am
by Protean
no problem jones.

About the activated carbon.... I purchased a new canister filter some days ago and usually don't add the carbon, but this time i dont know why but i added it to the canister. I haven't notice any deaths...but one of my clowns in the main tank has a little bit of red on the bottom of his mouth and his mouth looks more open than the rest, breathing harder than the rest, im getting really worried. He did grew two more wiskers on top of his mouth. Don't know if I should treat him in the Q-tank, but I don't want too, every fish that goes there doesn't come out alive, except the oto. I don't know if i should treat the tank, but I don't know with what. Penicillin ? My tank is 55gal (4ft long ) going to upgrade this year or early next to a 100gal or 160gal max.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:17 am
by shari2
Few more questions:

What is your qtank setup-size, temp, decor, filtration?
What's in the qtank now-include fish, med, filtration, and anything else

What's in the 55?
fish, filter, stuff, meds?

When is the maracyn done and is it in the qtank or the 55?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:41 pm
by Protean
qtank size is gal , temp at 79, no decor, simple hang on filter. In the 55gal onl meds are melafix thats about it. Two canisters . The maracyn is in the qtank.