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possible sick clown loach

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:03 pm
by sherman
I have a 600 liter tank with a school of 9 loaches, largest now about 8-10 cent. Really pretty. I also have 2 large albino oscars in the tank, each over 20 cent. and a very large clown royal knife (40+ cent).

Every one seems to be getting along, I have had all these fish for about 3-4 years now. The loaches hide most of the time and come out for feeding in the morning. I just noticed a whitish coloring on a number of them on their head. Not ich. I took a picture but don't seem able to post it.

Any advice what this may be (and also, how to post an attahcment. Thanks, Mark

Re: possible sick clown loach

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:33 am
by Diana
The next most common 'white' areas, after Ich, are 2 possibilities:
A scrape that has just skimmed a little skin off, not going deep enough to bleed. This will show as a fairly bright white spot, often round, but certainly not always. This sort of injury will heal quickly as long as the water is good. Lowest possible nitrates, minimum of organic matter. It does not grow larger. If you can find what the fish got hurt on remove it.

The other is a bacterial infection with many common names. The organisms that causes it is Flavobacteria columnaris. Look for images of 'Flex', Saddle Disease', or 'Columnaris' This will create irregular off white patches, often starting around the dorsal fin, but can be anywhere on the head, body or fins. This organism is also one that causes fin rot.
This organism can be controlled with antibiotics that are specific for Gram negative organisms. Most of the products that are really antibiotics that are sold for fish can deal with this. This disease is more active in warmer water. If the fish will tolerate it lower the temperature to under 76*F (24.4*C). Do plenty of water changes emphasizing vacuuming the bottom. High levels of organic matter in the substrate can interfere with treatment and harbor bacteria. Get the nitrates as low as possible. This organism seems to thrive when the nitrates are high.

Re: possible sick clown loach

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:57 am
by sherman

By the way, do you know how I can attach a picture to a post on this site?