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White spot disease

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:43 am
by DannyTheCzech
Hallo , I am new to the community .
I have 6 Clown Loaches , all purchased within last three months . 2 of them purchased from chain pet shop around 2 months ago had white spot disease . Symptoms hava shown up around two days after purchase and has spread to most of the other fish in tank within days . I went back to FS and all the remaining Clowns in the shop were also pretty heavy infected. Couple of questions confirmed that staff is absolutely unproffesional and clue less.
I have drove to another, family run, Aquatics recommended on internet for advice plus I have spent hours online searching for answers.
Very helpful and knowladgable guy in little Glasgow Aquatic shop [ thank you Duncan ] has advised to use King British WS3 formula at 2/3 of recommended dosage every 48 hours for 2 weeks [ at least 1 more week after all symptoms gone ] , temperature increased to 30 C and extra oxygenation.
I have followed all his advice , water changes [50 procent] and vacum gravel also every 48 hours just before new dose of WS3 . Symptoms have slightly worsened within first two days , than started to easy . Last symptoms gone by day 5 [ all fish clean] I have continued treatment for another 7 days . Then water change plus carbon back in the filter a and slowly started reducing temp back to 26 C .
All fish in tank has survived , some of the Clowns were really heavy infected but all recovered well . In tank I had , 5 Clown Loaches , 2 Plecos , 4 Guppies , 2 Swordtails and 1 Red Crab . All of them handled both the medicine and high temp. very well . No apparent stress , all were eating well.
No losses . Now it is almost two months and all look very healthy , no sighns of white spot since . I have learned lesson , NO
more purchases from chain pet shops and quarantine , quarantine and quarantine.
I wanted to share this as I read loads of, bad ending, stories about ich and clowns and treatments . The way I did it worked really well and no fish [or crab] lost.

Re: White spot disease

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:21 am
by Diana
That is wonderful! Great history of how to treat Ich!

Yes, indeed: Quarantine EVERY TIME. Even from the better stores.