Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

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Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

Post by Ekiel » Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:42 pm

I currently have 5 kuhli loaches, and was planning on adding 2 dwarf puffers to the tank. The research I've done on mixing the two species notes that they may do fine together, as the loaches tend to keep to themselves and are fast enough to avoid the puffers' wrath if they turn nippy. In the interest of keeping my loaches as secure as possible, I want to add leaf litter to the bottom of the tank to give them more bolt-holes. However, given the lack of dead leaves in this time of year and the fact that I'm not sure I want to deal with real leaves wreaking havoc with the PH, I was wondering if I could instead use the silk autumn leaves that are sold in craft stores. As there are many different typed of silk aquatic plants, I don't think that it would be much of an issue, but I figured I'd throw the idea out there. Obviously, I would make sure that they were simply dyed silk and not the crinkly glazed kind.

Does anybody have any experience or advice about this (aka how to double check the safety of the leaves, how to prepare them for aquarium use, etc.)?

For the sake of understanding, these are what I'm talking about.

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Re: Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

Post by Diana » Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:18 am

Yes, you can use silk leaves in the aquarium.
Do not use the ones with metal ribs. They can rust. If they have plastic ribs, nip the ends so they are not sharp.
Test the leaves: Put them in some water you have removed from the tank for a few days. If the water does not turn colors then the leaves are colorfast, and I would say that they are aquarium safe.

And about mixing puffers with any other fish:
I wouldn't.
Puffers can turn and get REALLY nasty, and it can happen suddenly, after several weeks or months of getting along just fine.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Re: Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

Post by joeybab3 » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:16 pm

Just be careful... I've had bad experiences. When you come in the room, the puffer will stop whatever he's doing and pretend like nothing happened. you will need to be unseen 8) in order to watch him and see how he reacts with the other loaches.
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Re: Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

Post by mahisehar » Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:49 am

I got one and he was a little "blown away" at first by the current but he has found places to travel thru and hang out where he can filter food. So, if anyone else is interested, they seem to do OK.

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Re: Silk Craft-Store Leaves in Aquarium?

Post by mohsin123 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:46 am

I got one and he was a little "blown away" at first by the current but he has found places to travel thru and hang out where he can filter food. So, if anyone else is interested, they seem to do OK.
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