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Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:42 pm
by Kitishane
Is it just me, or does this fish look like one of the Fraggles from Fraggle Rock?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:55 pm
by Jim Powers
:lol: I hadn't thought of that, but you are right, Kitishane:lol:

Emma; those are fantastic shots as usual! The spotted sewellia fry certainly seem to grow at a different rate than the S. lineolata. It seems that the pattern changes faster on the spotted guys, but the body shape changes faster in lineolata. Also, that is one fat spotted sewellia. It is obviously well cared for. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:38 am
by Emma Turner
Thank you all for the lovely comments! :D

Mark - you've made a very good choice, my friend! :wink: Incidentally, I got a new batch in from Vietnam last Tuesday, so there should be over 40 adult specimens for you to choose from! And of course, you must take some fry from me when they are big enough. And LES..too if he ever manages to get those pumps from Tunze and gets the tank going!


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:52 am
by LES..
Those are just wonderful pictures Emma, I would love to get some spotties in the new tank once it gets set up.

I have been promised that the phone lines to Tunze are being burned by irate stockists and that the shipment will be there next week (although i was also promised that it would arrive in the first two weeks of January, i should have asked which year...). A nice guesture of a complimentry 4kg bag of marine salt for the wait has been made, nice but not really useful too me. :roll: Hopefully we will have a tank set up ready for a spring visit to your shop.

Please keep the pictures coming, they keep getting better.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:03 am
by helen nightingale
slurp slurp drool dribble :D

you will have to keep on breeding more do we can keep watching too

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:54 pm
by chris1932
Emma You take incredible pictures and have incredible Loaches...


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:05 pm
by Emma Turner
Thank you's. :D

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:47 pm
by Emma Turner
Quick update 14-01-06. Not going to be around for a couple of days, so I have got a couple of pics and vids to share with you of the tiny fry from the 2nd spawning. :D I've tried to get pics of the larger one, but he/she is nowhere to be seen today :? - probably practising it's clinging skills somewhere round the back of the tank. :lol:

Here's a couple of still pics of the tiny one:



And here's a couple of vids. Please turn the sound down/off otherwise you'll just hear the annoying sound of my camera trying to re-focus! :roll: ... CN8156.flv ... CN8157.flv

These videos show the fry of the Sewellia sp. 'spotted' at a much smaller size than my previous vid featured earlier on in this thread. This fry is 6mm TL.

Hope you enjoyed them,


Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:18 pm
by Graeme Robson
I thought them shrimps where small, good lord the 'spotted' Sewellia sp fry is Tiny :lol:

Superb video's and pictures!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:29 pm
by Jim Powers
The shrimp look like they were interested in the little fellow.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:52 pm
by Emma Turner
Thank you. :D I wasn't sure about the Amano shrimps, Jim....were they innocently wandering towards each other, or were they deliberately trying to 'trap' the little stripy guy? Hmmmm. :?

I've got more pics to upload, but they will have to wait until tomorrow.


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:43 pm
by Martin Thoene
It certainly gets around!


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:52 am
by mamaschild
WOW :shock: Emma those videos are fabulous :D

Really gives you great idea of the size and the hyperness of the little guy :wink:

PLEASE keep posting those :):)

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:02 pm
by Emma Turner
Thank you once again for all the nice comments! :D

I hope I'm not getting on everyone's nerves by posting these pictures every few days! :? These Sewellia sp. spotted fry are of just the most amazing colour and markings, which seem to be changing very rapidly.

Here are a few pics I took last Sunday (14th) before I was away for a couple of days and didn't get time to upload until now:


Look left

Look right

Shown here with a similar sized S. lineolata fry

Then today (20/01), I managed to capture these few shots that are a bit closer up and show more detail:







I can't stop watching these incredible fish! They have such a high 'cuteness factor'.

I also must mention that while it is still appearing to cling to the odd surface here and there, it is yet to get onto the aquarium glass, hence why there are no underside pics!


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:06 pm
by mickthefish
emma they have to be the best yet, i can see the reticulted pattern coming on the abdomen, really cute.

keep em coming
