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Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:57 pm
by FishyLady
Hi everyone,
I am the proud new owner of 6 x 2" clown loaches, I have had them just a fortnight so am still playing "spot the loach" :D I have read all of the Almanac and it is EXCELLENT, especially loved the home cooking part as I used to do something similar with gelatine to feed my huge apple snail. The only thing I couldn't find was any advice regarding tankmates, do they not really need any? mine have the tank to themselves at the moment but I was considering adding a pair of pearl gouramis, although I really like the look of kuhli loaches.
So nice to be here, can't wait to 'chat' some more,


Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:58 pm
by Graeme Robson
Welcome to Loaches Online Val, please feel free to post any question you like in our selected forums. 8)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:16 am
by vealboy
Great site with lots of really helpful information! Thanks to what I have learned, I purchased my very first pair of clown loaches today!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:52 pm
by Annah
Hey everyone, I'm new here, but not new to keeping fish. Been keeping fish on and off since I was a teenager. I've had my current tank for about 4-5 years now. It currently houses 1 Rainbow Shark, 4 Tiger Barbs, 3 Bristlenoses, a handful of Glowlight & Black Neon Tetras but most importantly 3 Zebra Loaches (Striata) & 2 YoYo Loaches (Almorhae).

A couple of years ago I came across 2 Zebra Loaches @ my LFS and thought that they were pretty cool so bought them. Had them for about 2 1/2 years and was on the constant lookout for more as I'd read they prefer to be in a group. Never managed to get any and recently one got real skinny and died. Thought the one left might be lonely so was keeping an eye out for any others that my LFS might get in. They kept telling me they were out of season and hard to come by but while in the shop over the weekend my husband pointed out two cool looking fish and to my complete surprise he'd found two YoYo Loaches! I could have burst with excitement. Then I spied the two Zebra Loaches and I immediately had to have them. $72.00 later (!!!) they are hanging out in my tank. :D

I was a bit concerned after they were released into my tank, my original Zebra started to harrass one of the YoYo's. He/She was clearly stressed out as its black markings had almost completely disappeared. So I turned the lights out in the hope that they would think it was time to snooze and leave each other alone. The next day they were cool, just sort of harmlessly chasing each other around so fingers crossed things stay that way!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:24 am
by Von
Hello i am a relatively new aquarium keeper, with Guppies, gourami, various types of Tetras, Molly, african clawed frogs, Plecs. Glass, armano, and cherry shrimp and Yoyo and clown loaches. I adore all of my fish and their quirky habits, like the male Molly who displays at the phantom tetra, but yet abuses his wife. Grahaeme the dwarf gourami who stalks his food, I have to say my fav's are the loaches and shrimps, i dont think ive ever watched a complete programme on the telly since i started with the tank :D
All of my fish have survived well and look plump and healthy, my only worry is a very small yoyo which i bought with another one, the other one has doubled in size whereas, this one has never grown, looks long and thin. He/she appears healthy enough, enjoys its grub and swims around, and has been with me for a few months now. Although one thing i noticed, it was very easy to catch compared to the others i have. Any ideas please?

I have two tanks, one a 165ltr Aqua one cube tank and a smaller 48lt one i use to give the femal guppies a rest and to give birth, and to put any 'picked on' fish the poor female molly who would have died otherwise. I have two approx 3" yoyo and 2 slightly smaller clowns in the larger tank and two very small yoyo in the smaller tank to help keep it clean.

I keep living plants, have a large external filter and change small amounts of water about 2 times per month.

Any advice will be really welcome.

Ill try to upload some pics of the tank and fish.


Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:55 am
by starsplitter7
Hi there Von. Welcome to the forum.

There's a chance people will miss your post here since it is for introductions. I would cut and paste your concern and add it to the treatment thread. Also add your location -- at least the country, because it where you live affects what treatments might be available to you. I am guessing you are from the UK from your words, but I can't be sure.

I may be wrong, but I think your tanks may be too small for your loaches which can stunt their growth. Others with more experience will let you know.

Again welcome and good luck. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:39 pm
by Von
Thank you very much...will do. :wink:

Hello from Arizona

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:40 am
by irab
HI everyone just wanted to say thanks for having a loach forum I have been visiting this site for a while and decided to join it. Thanks

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:01 am
by Mark in Vancouver
Welcome to Loachville, Irab.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:55 pm
by irab
Thank you

what a great forum

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:15 pm
by onebto
Hello everybody I'm new here

I have 8 clown loaches in my Trigon 350 community tank.

Other inhabitants include Honey Gourami, Panda Cory, Prastilla, Cardinal and Glow light Tetra.

I am clown loach mad ill post up some pictures of Marge winston and others shortly. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:16 pm
by Mr. Loach
Hello fellow Loach lovers!!

The names Cordi, but most people know me as 'The Loach Man' or 'Mr. Loach' - due to my HEALTHY obsession with Clown Loach (or 'The Drunk One Over There' for other, more entertaining reasons - lol)

Been a fan of the :twisted: ish fish for 3 1/2 years - and never let any problems with them (which i had many when i started keeping them, like many before me) prevent me from keeping them.

Currently own 27 Clown Loach, 2-9 inches, which reside in a reletivly small aquarium (48*24*24) with my 2 Zebra Loach, Yoyo Loach, Ornate Bichir (adopted), Senegalus Bichir (adopted), Clown Knifefish (adopted), 4 Oscars and a Blue Lobster (adopted)- Just waiting a few more months to get them their own tank which will be either 72*24*24 or 72*30*30 (use to have 40 clowns, 6 zodiac, 15 kuhli, 6 zebra, 1 Yoyo - but the Clown Knife ate the others in the 2 months i've had it whilst growing from 5'' to 12'' :cry: )

Thx for reading, Cya all soon...

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:24 pm
by Marcos Mataratzis
Welcome to LOL onebto and Mr. Loach!

Hope you can find answers for all your quetions here.


Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:27 pm
by Francois van Brederode

My name is Ferry.
I'm new to keeping Loaches, well I've had Loaches for half a year now and only now do I see there special care....

I have a 100*40*45cm. tank with B. Striata, P. Oblonga, P Myersi and some Garra flavatra, Rhinogobies, and Gourami's.

I also have a 80*30*30cm tank with Fan Shrimp, Amano shrimp, crystalblack shrimp, Pearldanio's and Pseudogastromyson Cheni.
The waterflow is 1400 ltrs/hr for a 60 ltr. tank.

Nice to be here.

Pardon my English, I'm from Holland

Groeten aan alle Nederlanders hier :D

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:10 pm
by Marcos Mataratzis
Welcome to LOL Francois!

Hope you meet nice people here and can solve most doubts you might have.