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BIG cheni

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:29 pm
by Jim Powers
I recently lost my breeding male cheni. The tank I had them in has several fish that would be potential fry eaters, but has managed to produce three fry of various sizes. Last week, my favorite lfs got in a shipment of very nice chenis. Unfortunately, I was not able to get to the store so I had them save me a big male. This week I picked it up, plus a small female (the only one not sold).I have seen a lot of chenis over the years, but this male is simply HUGE.
He is a full 2.25 inches and has the largest dorsal fin I have seen on a cheni. We will see if he is a good breeder. He now has two females to choose from and possibly more when the fry grow up. He certainly shouldn't have any trouble digging nests in the gravel.
Has anyone else seen or grown a cheni to that size?
The others I have had over the years have never gotten larger than 2".
And don't ask for any pics. Unfortunately, my camera situation has not changed. :(