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Missing Loaches, Crowded Living Arrangements

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:58 pm
by notoo7
I am sharing this story to warn others out there. Last week I bought a artificial rock shelter for the loaches at a local pet chain. Since it was made of resin and hollow, I knew to bury it deep in the gravel. Aparently it wasn't enough, the Red-tail Botias dug there way a tunnel into the structure. During the last feeding, I noticed all four Red-tails, two Skunks, and two Angelicus were missing. All eight Botias and a clown loach had swam up inside. It took over 10 minutes to get them all out, plus a considerable increase in my blood presure. Now that hole is sealed. The surprising thing was that they all seem okay, when you consider how cramped it had to be in there.

Here are some of the guys at play with said structure in that background.