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The cuteness to these fish astounds...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:20 am
by Xirxes
I got a pair of kubotai's two weeks ago, and they have been hiding most of the time since.

I was starting to wonder about their compatability with the other fish in the tank, clowns, gouramii, red tailed shark, danios.... until tonight

I have been away from the house quite a bit lately (setting up 100 gallon saltwater reef im keeping at parents house), came in tonight, and found one clown loach curled up, almost directly on top of a kubotai in the corner... Sleeping like two little bugs in a rug!

I tried to get a picture, but my gf's crap camera was only one close and i lost the chance.

That was the cutest thing i think ive ever seen.

Kubotai's + Clowns = lovers

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 7:48 am
by ClownMob
congrats on the kubotais Xirxes, they are great looking little loaches. :)

your thread caught my eye because LFS just got batch of them, said they don't get them very often, and I'm gonna get 3 or 5 myself. they just called out to me, "take me home", so I'm doing a little re-arranging and then going to pick them up.

were yours expensive? the place I'm lookin is $18 each, about 1 1/2" :shock: 5 gonna set me back, but I think I just have to do it. did my research here at LOL and think they will fit in well with my striatas.

again congrats, hope you can get some pics, that sounds like a very high cute factor sleepin with the clown, good stuff. :D they are cool looking loaches, thought yo-yo from far away and got closer and said "whoa, nice-lookin loaches", they have some great markings.

best of luck. :D

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:27 am
by Xirxes
man, that price is fairly gouged... i got mine for 5.99 each for 1-1.5". i would wait or try to find antoher shop that has them. San Diego here, and only recently did this LFS start stocking yoyo's horseface, elephant, kubotais, but 18 dollars each is nuts.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:32 am
by mamaschild
Xirxes, where are you getting them for $5.99???? THAT will make me get some :D :D Also, who is carrying Horsefaces right now? I was at Pet Kingdom on Saturday and didn't spot any. I'd like to add a couple more to mine. Can't get enough of the darlin's :wink:

MUST AGREE....$18.99 each IS nuts. That's why I don't have any. And for that price at PetCo, I don't want to risk it.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:33 pm
by Fishhead
18 = steep!!

My 10 Kubotai cost 9.99/each about 6 months ago..

They dance about all day and night.. They REALLY like the cucumber I give them too!

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:01 pm
by pedzola
Kubotai's $20/each at the local petsmart here in CT.

This is the first time I've seen them at ANY pet store around here... being rare in this area I guess they figure the price is acceptable...

I was very tempted to pick up 3 of them until I realized that would be $60. lol

Oh well.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:27 pm
by notoo7
PetSmart here in Las Vegas is selling them for $19.95. Since I can't find them anywhere else and the price is the same or more (don't forget shipping) on the Internet. So I bought three, about an 1.5 in length each.

Price is relative thing... How bad do you want it? How much can you afford. Yesterday I bought a 8 inch Clown loach for $45. Yes he is currently in a tank(40gal long) with only 6 other loaches (3.5 - 5inch ones). The point is for me he was pricey, but it is worth it.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:39 pm
by poeticpyro
yeah they're definately close to $20 no matter where i go here, i want them badly, but i think i'm just going to have to settle for khulis unless i can gather about $60 bucks. plus i'm getting a $40 gold-nugget pleco... ah... fish are getting expensive... i'm jealous of the kubatais though... i'm going to hopefully get three and put them with my striata and some angelfish... i cannot find striata ANYWHERE here... it's pissing me off because i want 1-3 more... i like odd numbers and i have a PAIR!! ahhh

would two kubotai be mean? if they're with striata?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:44 pm
by Wendie
I paid $19.95 for my Gold Nugget

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:46 pm
by poeticpyro
yeah, i'm forced to pay $40... it's a gold nugget, but as i'm learning there are dozens of plecos sold as gold nuggets, the one i want gets to be 6" most of them get much bigger... don't ask. i have been researching it on good site. i'm not too upset about it, but i can't get the cute kubotais ontop of the pleco right away... so we'll have to see, plus the pleco needs an established tank before i dump it in there... where as the loaches just need it cycled.. thanks though. where did you get it?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:11 am
by notoo7
My three kubotai seem very tame, they school the clowns. In fact I have more trouble with my new yo-yos. one kicked a kubotai out of his favorite hiding place and the other likes chase the smaller clowns .

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:32 am
by mamaschild
Xirxes, I would REALLY like to know where you found the kobutai for $5.99???? I'm getting one and this would be the perfect chance for me to get a couple friends for it.....heck at that price, I'd get 3 :)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:16 pm
by fusQer
a LFS here has 3.5" kubotai's for 8.95. i also got my gold nugget for $16 from another stores special order list.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:05 pm
by Xirxes
Mommas, i got mine from pet kingdom! They were either 5.99 or 6.99 each, and they had probably 20 of them 2 weeks ago, as well as about 5 horsefaces i believe, but i havent seen their freshwater stock in a while, as im delving into the marine aspect for the time being.

Anyone who is paying 20.00 is just being had, IMHO. The availability should not be an issue, because if anywhere in U.S. can get the species, then any other state can get it within 3 days without many complications/extra expenses justifying 12-15 dollar price difference.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:08 pm
by mamaschild
Thanks, much :) I'll have to give them a call and see if they expect more. As I said, I was there on Saturday and nada :?