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In manchester 1 lonely clown loach to good home

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:14 am
by emjay
Hiya, I am located in Manchester and my LFS sold me one clown loach telling me he's excellent for eating snails, however I've since read up and discovered he needs

a/ friends to school with most say minimum of 5

b/ a larger tank, especially if he's having friends around

I am worried about him, he looks in good condition and his colours have gone stronger since we brought him home from the LFS where he was all alone but I think the best thing is to give him to someone who already has clown loach for him to school with and a larger tank so he can be happy. This will devastate my 6yo but he'll understand that Jim isn't happy. Is anyone willing to take him on or can you point me in the right direction of what to do with him???


I can be contacted at

Re: In manchester 1 lonely clown loach to good home

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:58 am
by redshark1
I noticed there are no replies.

Maybe take your loach to the Local Fish Shop (LFS) or advertise it on Aquarist Classified, being sure to mention Manchester in your free ad title e.g. "Free Clown Loach in Manchester".

Re: In manchester 1 lonely clown loach to good home

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:22 am
by emjay
It's ok, he's found a new home yesterday in a huge tank with 3 other clown loach mates :D

Re: In manchester 1 lonely clown loach to good home

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:44 am
by redshark1
Well done! That's great news.

Much better than taking him to the LFS and him being sold into an unsuitable situation.

He will hopefully have a long and happy life with his new friends!

You did the best thing possible.