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Help!! My Loach is sick....again.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:21 pm
by RuthieB
My weather loach got ill a year or so ago and had some very nasty lumps develop on his body which eventually split the skin and a round, opaque ball shaped 'thing' came out. He was really sick and I looked for advice on here. He did get better and we had our 'eely' back. Here is a link to my previous thread,
Today we noticed that he seems to have the same problem again but this time the lumps are bigger and there are more of them. He seems quite bad and keeps floating, finding it tricky to stay on the floor. He seems to have a small hole in his side too.
Can anyone recognise these symptoms and help me make him better again?
Here is a link to some photos. ... CRM5UZqjwA