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Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:24 pm
by GrizzlysDad
(Admins: if this opening statement belongs in another forum, please feel free to move it)

Hello everyone,

My name is Tony and I live in the state of Michigan, USA. I have been keeping aquarium fish for about 34 years. I have been involved with my local fish clubs for many years and am currently the Vice President of the Michigan Cichlid Association and a general member of the Motor City Aquarium Society. I am also a former member of the Board Of Directors for the Greater Detroit Aquarium Society.

Now, for some of my Loach info :D
I have kept many types of loaches over my decades in the hobby but, like many people, my favorite is the Clown Loach.
Years ago, I had a group of about a dozen before losing them to a heater malfunction while I was on vacation. I have learned much over the years and will happily share my experiences on this site. I have been lucky to "rub elbows" with some of the notable, and educated personalities in our hobby.
Now back to my favorite loach (and the title of my post :lol: )....I currently have a very large group of Clowns ranging from a few at 4-5" to quite a few in the 8-11" size. My group is somewhere approaching 30 in number. That being said, instead of referring to my group as a "shoal" or a "school" I have started calling them my "Herd of Clowns" :P
I will post some pictures soon.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:32 pm
by redshark1
Hi! I'm looking forward to the pictures!

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:04 pm
by bookpage
Welcome to the forum, Tony. Looking forward to your posts and pictures.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:20 pm
by MotherMajesty:)
I think you have to call that a "circus" of clowns. :)

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:48 pm
by chefkeith
Welcome to LOL, Tony.

I also live in the Detroit area and have 30+ clowns. I've never been to fish club meeting before. I'd be in interested in checking it out.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:59 am
by Diana
Several terms are OK when you are talking about a group of clowns, but according to the correct term is Alley of Clowns.
Might be a good term for Clown Loaches, especially if their tank has enough rocks and wood to make dark, narrow places for them.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:40 am
by GrizzlysDad
I am hoping to set up their new home this week. If I get that accomplished I will try to take some pics as they are moved and after they settle in. If I don't get this accomplished it will be awhile before I can post due to some upcoming surgery.

Also...PM'd you Keith

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:04 pm
by GrizzlysDad
MotherMajesty:) wrote:I think you have to call that a "circus" of clowns. :)
Now that is funny right there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:52 am
by GrizzlysDad
Well I have tried posting pics with no luck. I then sent a PM to someone I thought was on the staff here but that person has not responded. In fact, I don't believe they have opened the message if I am reading into my message box correctly.
I thought I read somewhere on here, or received the error message when trying to post a pic, that special admin permission is required to post pics????
Any help would be appreciated so I can share my pics...horrible as they may be though. :wink:

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:39 am
by Loachloach
What difficulties are you having Tony?
I have an account with
Once you upload your photo, you need to copy the link that says "direct" and then insert it into the "Img" button available on the reply box here.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:03 pm
by GrizzlysDad
Loachloach wrote:What difficulties are you having Tony?
I have an account with
Once you upload your photo, you need to copy the link that says "direct" and then insert it into the "Img" button available on the reply box here.
I use Photo Bucket and I tried doing that and this site wouldn't accept it. I am able to post pics on all the other fish sites I belong to but not here for some reason. Maybe I'll try to create an image shack account.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:05 pm
by Loachloach
Just try imageshack an let us know what happens. We are still waiting on these pictures :D
I think there's one moderator here. I'll try to find the name.

Edit: I think the last time there was a problem, Jim Powers was fixing stuff.

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:25 am
by GrizzlysDad
{Okay, so I figured out the pic posting...kind of anyway. On my screen the pic sizes end up cropping off some of the shot. Does it appear that way on everyone's? Maybe I need to re-size pics? Ideas?}

The start of set up~Tank is a glass 180g 72"x24"x24"H. Sits on an angle iron stand which I plan to eventually wrap in wood (there was a reason for using the iron stand opposed to a cabinet stand); Pool filter sand substrate; Manufactured background applied using Sea View adhesive (this makes the background really show better when the tank is filled); Two submersible 400w heaters; three AquaClear 110's for filtration; Standard fluorescent aquarium lights (for now).



Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:42 am
by GrizzlysDad
And here is some various pics of "The Herd" in the moving process.

(the 1st pic is in a 5g bucket)

Re: Officially a Herd?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:01 am
by GrizzlysDad
Now here are some shots of them in their tank. The plecos are just temporary residents.
