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What about Botia almorhae and striata in the same tank ?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:14 am
by chalamala
Hello everybody !
I have a group of 15 Botia striata, living in a 700l tank with Danio's and Barbs.
They are the only real bottow dwellers, so I would like to put another Botia species in the same tank. Would Botia almorhae be good fellows for my striata's ?
Thanks a lot for helping...


Re: What about Botia almorhae and striata in the same tank ?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:50 am
by Bas Pels
Why not increase the group of B striata?

B almorhae will behave more or less similar, and therefore your tank will become a bit messy - groups of nit similar fish are not really nice to watch

Re: What about Botia almorhae and striata in the same tank ?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:01 pm
by kimura
I've had yoyos in with striatas before and they got along ok. But I'm getting the point of not liking yoyos as much in recent years because they
can be pushy pigs. They can have extremely beautiful patterns when they are adults though. I second the idea of adding more striata but another
small peaceful loach could work too. Botia kubatai or rostrata are great and will stay about the same size as the striata. Histironicas are
my personal favorite but they would definitely be bigger than what you have. Btw that sounds like a great tank. I'd love to see some pictures.

Re: What about Botia almorhae and striata in the same tank ?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:39 pm
by chalamala
For Bas :
Funny to meet the same freaks (I'm one of them) on all forums : Poecilia NL, ,NL cichlidenforum, Loaches on line... :D
Of course I can increase the number of striata's, but I would like a second species, a little bit larger (striata is a small one). Through winter the t° of the tank is only 22° (because Danio's and Barb's don't like too high t°) so macracantha is no solution (I have them in another tank), and I thought almorhae could be an alternative...
For Kimura :
... But I agree almorhae can be a pushy species, so histrionica is a good idea. I think 22° is a little too cold for kubotai. I'm a very bad aquarium fotographer, reflections are sharp but fishes fuzzy... :oops: I need to practize and, perhaps, buy better material...
