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Tank Raised Syncrossus berdmorei???

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:38 pm
by BlueLoach
Has anyone heard of these breeding for hobbyists? I received 6 today from WetSpot and they were listed as tank raised. They also had some wild ones available. I know a lot of loaches either don't breed in captivity or it's difficult to get them to. I am hoping these are from a hobbyist and not being farm raised via added hormones. Either way though, they were active right away when added to the tank and haven't been hiding or anything. I fed the tank the usual Repashy Meat Pie/Soilent Green mix and they were eating. They colored up very quickly and have been going all day long!!

Re: Tank Raised Syncrossus berdmorei???

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:30 am
by ch.koenig
Sorry. Farm raised and wild caught only (former I haven't seen in Europe). Farm bred can be spotted by evenly size, wild differ.
There are no "tank-raised" (no hormons) loaches on market except C. reticulatus. And not by "hobbyists" either.
Cheers Charles