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Clown Loaches advice

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:01 pm
by vwman
Hi, I'm new to this fourm. I bought 6 clown loaches a couple of days a go,they are about 2" long. I have a 67 gal tank. I have a bristle nose pelco,6 tiger barbs and 6 danois.
I have a couple guestions

1-Do I feed them sinking pellets already(bottom feeders)?

2.What else should I feed them-Banana,cucumber,or wait?

3.If I don't here a clicking noise while feeding yet is that a bad sign?
Thanks people.

feeding clowns

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:31 pm
by jerry_tyler
I am new too. I have some clowns and I am feeding them frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms. Flake also. They love it and everything is getting fat.Welcome to the forum. There is some very knowledgable people here.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:14 pm
by mikev
Most certainly, try the flakes and experiment with different brands of pellets.

And don't worry about clicking: with mine it started at about 2.5". Some other loaches click even 1" yoyos do this on the surface when eating flakes.

And Clown-Tiger Barb combination may be interesting; they may shoal together.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:15 pm
by clownloach
Yes they are a bottom feeder so anything that sinks. I use pellets and flakes most of the time. Sometimes i use bloodworms and/or freezed dried worms that stick to the side of the tank.

You can feed them a variety of foods to their liking.

Clicking noises will come latter in your tank. It usualy starts after they know their territory and are confortable with their surroundings. It's not a bad sign if they don't but im sure with time that they will.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:17 pm
by clownloach
Yes they are a bottom feeder so anything that sinks. I use pellets and flakes most of the time. Sometimes i use bloodworms and/or freezed dried worms that stick to the side of the tank.

You can feed them a variety of foods to their liking.

Clicking noises will come latter in your tank. It usualy starts after they know their territory and are confortable with their surroundings. It's not a bad sign if they don't but im sure with time that they will.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:17 pm
by clownloach
Yes they are a bottom feeder so anything that sinks. I use pellets and flakes most of the time. Sometimes i use bloodworms and/or freezed dried worms that stick to the side of the tank.

You can feed them a variety of foods to their liking.

Clicking noises will come latter in your tank. It usualy starts after they know their territory and are confortable with their surroundings. It's not a bad sign if they don't but im sure with time that they will.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:17 pm
by clownloach
Yes they are a bottom feeder so anything that sinks. I use pellets and flakes most of the time. Sometimes i use bloodworms and/or freezed dried worms that stick to the side of the tank.

You can feed them a variety of foods to their liking.

Clicking noises will come latter in your tank. It usualy starts after they know their territory and are confortable with their surroundings. It's not a bad sign if they don't but im sure with time that they will.


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:17 pm
by clownloach
Yes they are a bottom feeder so anything that sinks. I use pellets and flakes most of the time. Sometimes i use bloodworms and/or freezed dried worms that stick to the side of the tank.

You can feed them a variety of foods to their liking.

Clicking noises will come latter in your tank. It usualy starts after they know their territory and are confortable with their surroundings. It's not a bad sign if they don't but im sure with time that they will.