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Dither Fish for Clown Loaches

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:23 am
by Botia Robert
I'm planning on setting up a 6x2x2 foot tank, principly for clown loaches with a few yo yos, kubs and zebras.
I have read that clowns feel more secure with dither fish above them.
I have also read, to my surprise, that clowns enjoy swimming with tiger barbs due to the colour of the tiger barb's markings. I always thought tiger barbs were very boisterous and trouble making.
Would tiger barb be suitable for a loach tank? What is the difference in temperment between tiger barb and black ruby barb?
Also I would love to put a few Bala sharks in there. Are Bala sharks too skittish and nervous for clown loaches?
I want my clowns to be cool and calm and happy. No Ick thanks!
I would love to hear peoples opinions. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:32 am
by Mad Duff
I have 6 Bala Sharks upto 7" in with my Clowns and they are fine together, Rasboras make very good dither and are a lot more timid than the likes of Tiger Barbs.

In a tank that size a nice shoal of Rasbora borapatensis or even Rasbora trilineata would look very nice :)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:38 am
by djloach
Pretty much any active fish would work. Tiger barbs are a common dither fish but most other barbs would work as well. Some of the larger rasbora species would work, as would rainbowfish, giant danios, etc.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:47 am
by Ciddian
my observations of tiger barbs is that they really only bother with eachother if you have a good group of them.. But i havent had the chance to keep them in a home tank yet ^^

I just love balas.. I would keep some clowns and balas if i only had the tank space.. lol