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Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by Martin Thoene
Well, our temperature here today is supposed to be going up to 35C which is 1 degree over the record for Toronto.

My tank thermometers read in old money...........

My River-Tank has had a fan blowing over it since 7am and is sitting at a rather cozy 76.6F

The Clown Loach tank is at 89.6F :shock:

I've had the Hilly tank over 80 before with no ill effect so this is ok. I don't recall the Clowns ever getting this warm though. They all look quite happy.

I just rigged up a fan to blow over the Aquaclear 500 outlet ramp. see if that has any cooling effect.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:09 pm
by BlueFrog
Yep - its stinking hot, and looks to stay that way for a little while :cry:

My poor tanks are getting up close to the 90° range as well -- i bought some bits and pieces last nite to try to rig together some sort of a cooling device, and am assembling it tonite (since I can't afford the $600 or so dollars that a tank chiller would cost).

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:49 pm
by tattooedgemini
i'm in ontario too and we are having some really hot weather here as well... my tanks were overheating and my poor fish did not look happy...i don't have a fan or anything to give them so i've been floating baggies of really cold water in their tanks...i think they like it cause they are doing their loach dance all around it...not sure if it is good for me to do this though, even though they seem to think that it's fun

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:21 pm
by Pixelated_Pirate
Same situation... good ol Toronto. My bedroom (Where I have my two tanks) is boiling all the time... somtimes I float some ice cubes in the filter to cool down the water a bit... BUT... Today I got my AC fixed =)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:38 pm
by Martin Thoene
Well here I am nearly 3 hours later and the Clown tank came down to 86.2F which is pretty close to its normal temp.

However, the River-Tank went up to 78.5F :roll:


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:38 am
by Ded1
Is it time for plastic bottle with ice?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:02 am
by Ciddian
Already on it! LOL omg... it was 92 in my apt yesterday and all the tanks pushing 90 except for my SW thank heavens.. Just below 80.

The only thing i may loose is my banana shrimp buddy..

added a few extra air stones as well...

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:06 pm
by newshound
it was warm out on Superior even...still had to wear a wetsuit snorkling in the lake though. Camping on the edge of that monster lake in a tent I didn't even use a sleeping bag.
On Wed I drove back into the Sault and the temp went up by 10!
It was even hard to breath. God I can't imagine what Toronto was like...thank god I don't live in hell anymore :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:43 pm
by shari2
During the height of the day yesterday it got up to 100F (37.7C) and the humidity was around 80. Gah. It was hard to breathe for sure.
Thank god for air conditioning. The heaters on the clown tank are actually on, at the moment. :roll:

It's 92 now, high humidity, hazy, and getting hotter. Peaks round 3pm around here. Odd, eh?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:35 pm
by Martin Thoene
3 is usually about the worst time here, but after 3 the sun starts to get into my apartment windows and then the internal temp skyrockets. I have some natural colored Ikea curtains for privacy, not light blockage, so the sun still filters in.....ach!

I've slept every night on the balcony since Monday. The Clown tank was down to 83.4F this morning with the fan on it all night. Just finished water changes on all tanks so I dropped all by a couple of degrees doing that.

The Clown tank and River-Tank lost at least 3/4" of water via evapouration since yesterday. That's the fan effect.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:25 pm
by The Kapenta Kid
Ded1 wrote:Is it time for plastic bottle with ice?
No, it never is. The cooling effect of ice bottles or ice lumps is tiny. What you need is a fan, any fan, blowing over the surface of the water to create evaporation. That is the most effective DIY cooling possible.
Thermodynamics Rules OK :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:55 pm
by Tinman
Ice is a short term cure that creates relatively quick water temperature fluctions and is not a cure for an aquarium heat problem. The rapid fall in temp and eventual return to room temp is a much more dangerous trip for a fish than a slow day long fluctuation. Cold water kills,Warm water has low O2 so..... A power head breaking the surface tension and a fan across the surface of the water as The Kapenta Kid has so appropriately pointed out is the best solution.Another fan across a sump if you have one will double your cooling effect .Also make sure the light is off as that is a source of heat too :) .

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:35 pm
by Martin Thoene
I went to two shops today. One had nearly all the tank lights off to save electricity and avoid heat buildup. My local Supermarket has all its freezer cabinets and meat displays unlit. Everyone's attempting to avoid a brown-out because everyone else has their AC cranked up. Except me.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:50 pm
by Dr. Momfish
Martin Thoene wrote:I went to two shops today. One had nearly all the tank lights off to save electricity and avoid heat buildup. My local Supermarket has all its freezer cabinets and meat displays unlit. Everyone's attempting to avoid a brown-out because everyone else has their AC cranked up. Except me.

That's cause you don't have AC......... and you face west so you get all the sun...... and no balcony overhang above you.......

Hey, why don't you make like the local drug cookers: put up aluminum foil on your windows? Not necessarily all the windows everywhere, but the top half.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:06 pm
by Martin Thoene
I like to look out of my windows...... and anyhow up here in the penthouse dahhhhhling, we do not wish to be deemed in the same league as the grow-op, beer fuelled, needle-sticking hoy-poloy down below in the cheap seats. I don't have others overlooking me, so why block off my nice big windows and look like I have something to hide?

So far this Summer TO's got off pretty lightly to be fair 8)

This is a rampant drug-den of course. Loachaholicism is rife.
