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Pics of Boesemani rainbows

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:41 am
by clint
I have 3 males a 5 females in my 90g got some nice shots i think.







Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:40 am
by glenna
Those are beauties!
I have three of that type in with four turquoise. They get along well and are just stunning fish.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:05 pm
by clint
I'm growing out 3 turquoise in my 20g right now along with a lone axelrod (yellow) rainbow. My LFS had the yellow for a few months and i felt sorry for him so i grabbed him as well. I know i shouldn't have, but he is coloring up nicely. I'm unsure of the turquoise, but they are only around 2" now. They may color up nicely. I also have 2 reds which are coloring up really nicely, they are in the 90g and about the size of a female boesemani. I haven't gotten any good pics of them yet.

Yes i really like my rainbows and my loaches, they have been great tank mates. I have had fish i regret getting, but my bos and loaches aren't one of them.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:17 pm
by glenna
yeah, these two fish seem to be ideal tank mates.
Don't worry, I'll bet your turquoise will color up. Besides, they are really nice fish anyway.
By the way, it is because of you (CLint) that I am going ahead and ordering up some denison barbs!!!
They are not cheap, that's for sure, but I hope mine will be as nice as those you have photographed. Any tips on keeping them alive ( :lol: :lol: ) and healthy???

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:52 am
by clint
How many did you order?

They remind me of colorful bala sharks in their shape and grace of swimming, cept in a smaller package. I don't do nothing special for them they get right in with the bo's at feeding time, my temps are right around 79/80. They have done fine all by themselves. You won't be disappointed they are a nice larger shoaling fish they'll fit in nice with your setup.