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Is there Aquatic ADD?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:28 pm
by Martin Thoene

I previously reported how my friend gave me his Discus because he wanted to buy some larger ones and due to circumstances cannot catch MTS.

This week he decided that he wanted to fulfil a life-long dream and set up a Marine tank, so those Discus had to go. So guess where they came :D

So after work earlier this week I go over to his place and take him to Big Als to buy all the stuff he needs to go Marine. Then we go back to his place and I leave with a bucket 'o' some extras he didn't tell me about :wink:

I now have these 6 which are mainly about 5" TL






The last two laid around 50 eggs on a powerhead today.

Some more pics.


The male of the pair who spawned today. Tube still down.


The "extras" were a small Black Ghost Knife, 3 Lamprologus brichardi. These went in another tank.

Then there was this guy.........


Now I hadn't planned on keeping a Stingray, but when one comes along like this whadda ya gonna do eh? He's the sort of fish that demands a name. I'm avoiding the obvious and christening him Gordon Sumner.


Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:11 pm
by Oldfish
Everyone needs a friend like yours! Looks like he gave you some great discus.But beware of the stingray.My LFS had two baby rays they could not sell so I made them a offer and took them home.I found them so interesting I bought three more ray and moved them to my 700 gallon tank.Now I have two baby rays in my 150.There is somthing about rays that can take over your fish room so use caution.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:26 am
by wasserscheu
Congratulations on your new friends, they look fantastic, but you know that 8) great pics.
I've been wondering for a moment about stingrays (Discus too actually), as there was an afordable one around, but did not buy it, as I want to finish all my other projects first. But I was SOOO tempted, I also tried to get smart on their poisening sting, which seems serious also on the one you got. When the sting ray came up to me after I "called" it, I was almost baging it in, please keep us posted on Gordon's personality.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:51 am
by piggy4
That could be a problem if the Police decide to reform :wink: :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:29 pm
by andyroo
I am utterly embarrassed- it took me a moment to get that...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:49 am
by vealboy
I really LOL'd at the ray's new name!

That is great you were able to house your friend's former freshwater fauna. Are any of them sharing space with those GN Plecos you got from Wal-mart?