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Anyone have info on a dario dario ?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:12 pm
by kimura
I want to add one or two of these to my 20 gallon panda tank. I think it's small enough that
it won't/can't bother my panda eggs and fry but I could be wrong. It's a beautiful fish that
I don't see locally very often so I'm really tempted. I wonder if it would eat baby snails as
I read it eats micro organisms. Anyone have any experience with them ?

Re: Anyone have info on a dario dario ?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:27 pm
by Laura
I have 7 scarlet badis - I think a mix of male and female but not sure. I've only had them a few months but they are lovely with lots of personality. Mine only eat live food and occasionally frozen food.

They are tiny little patient hunters. I wouldn't keep them with fry that would fit in their mouths - I've seen them go after fry before.

Personality wise, when I had them in the 10 gallon quarantine with only cories for tankmates, they quickly established a hierarchy, and if it weren't so heavily planted, the lowest ones would have had a miserable existence. Now in a 15 gallon with a variety of other small fish, the grumpiness and territorial behaviour seems minimized to non-existent. They spread out amongst the plants and driftwood and keep their distance from each other. I am sure the breaks in the sight lines help.