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Fancy goldfish tank

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:59 pm
by FishyLady
Hello everyone,
I am setting up a long 40 gallon fancy goldfish tank. I already have a large Black Moors and plan to get perhaps one or two more. My problem is how to decorate it, what do fancy goldfish need in their tank, do they like bubbles from an air stone? Real plants or plastic ones, any help would be so appreciated as I don't want to fill up the tank with anything that is not necessary to their welfare.


Re: Fancy goldfish tank

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:06 am
by DainBramage1991
It's been a very long time since I've kept goldfish, but from what I remember they're pretty undemanding. They'll be happy in pretty much any well maintained community tank provided the other fish in the tank don't nip at them or chase them.

Live plants are always better, but plastic ones will suffice if you (like me) do not have a green thumb. Adding an airstone or two for aeration is beneficial and, in my opinion, makes the tank look nicer. Also, some fish like to play in the bubbles.

If golds are all you are keeping, I would decorate the tank according to your own tastes. Like I said, they are undemanding fish. They do require good filtration and frequent water changes, as they are a bit on the messy side.

Re: Fancy goldfish tank

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:59 pm
by Diana
Golds can mow down live plants faster than a weed eater. They dig, they nip, they eat, they play rough.
Try these:
Java Fern
Java Moss

Tie these to a rock or a branch, they are not grown rooted in the substrate.

I would be more concerned that there is NOTHING sharp in the tank. Moores have bulging eyes and these can get damaged on things that stick out or are sharp. This includes a lot of plastic plants. Some have very stiff stems, or sharp edged leaves. These can shred long flowing fins, too.
Bubble Eyed Golds are the most delicate this way, but watch out for almost all the Fancies.

Read up to be sure the water chemistry is just right. With their contorted body, their metabolism is compromised and they need all the help they can get.