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Going where no one has ever gone before - and documenting it!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:09 am
by MultipleTankSyndrome
To my archerfish and pictus catfish tank, I want to try and incorporate a male pumpkinseed. I think it is likely the pumpkinseed will get along with both because they don't conflict with similar sized catfish in the wild and may view the archerfish as a mixed species school pumpkinseeds sometimes join.

But, I can't know how likely it is to work until it is tried. To my knowledge no one has ever done it before, and when I asked on NANFA they wanted to know what would happen too.

When all the other fish reach the appropriate size for a pumpkinseed to be added, I will get one and make sure to keep NANFA and you folks here up to date on what happens for good documentation to the answer of this burning question. :D