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Dojo with possible swim bladder??

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:43 pm
by stjen
Hello, I'm new so I hope I am posting in the right spot. I'm glad I found this forum for loaches!

When I came home from work today I noticed my dojo loach was being more active than normal. Which I thought was nice. I recently took two large catfish out of my tank and ever since they've been gone I've seen him out of the substrate more (They were bullies and now they live with someone else.)

However, after a few minutes of him swimming horizontally he started floating to the top by his backside and it looked like he couldn't stay down. It IS supposed to rain tonight and I know that rain changes their swim bladder but is THAT normal? Should I do anything special to help him? He's not laying on his back or swimming sideways.

As far as my tank set up goes. I keep the temp at about 74 - I try to make it as cool as possible without freezing the other fish. I recently had an ammonia problem which I know is horrible for him. But I've been doing very frequent water changes, treating the water, and have kept the bottom clean.
