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Update on dying loaches, Prime and gasping (dying) fish

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:18 pm
by Louise
Sorry I haven't updated everyone who was kind enough to help me with my strange water problem but I haven't done a water change since. I decided to give my fish a chance to recoup and try a different declorinator.

I bought some Aqua+ from Nutrifin and did a 25% water change tonight. NO PROBLEMS so far!!!! It's been about 3 hours since I did my water change and no one is gasping or gasped, everyone is swimming around normally and I haven't lost any fish since the last time I posted. I don't know what happened with my sick gourami but it doesn't seem to have spread.

I should have gone with my gut in the 1st place and dumped the Prime but every board I was on people told me it was impossible that Prime was causing this. Now I feel bad that all my loaches had to die before I switched over to Aqua+ I feel like I tortured them.

Anyways thank you for all your help and advice it is really appreciated and I guess it's a live and learn process. I've also decided not to do water changes every week for a while anyways. It upsets the fish and maybe my tank isn't old enough to furnish the good bacteria needed, we'll see. If anything else happens I will let you know.
