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Ich and my python

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:48 pm
by digcolnagos
The dreaded ich showed up on Friday. I'm now in treatment mode, with the second (of a planned four) water change just completed. I'm wondering about my python. I have two tanks, the infected 125 gallon with my clown loaches and a 90-gallon cichlid tank. Obviously, I don't want to contaminate the cichlid tank (or re-infect the loach tank). Is it safe to change the water in my cichlid tank with the same python? After the second water change, I got the python as dry as possible and set it outside in the sun, but there are still droplets inside. And how serious is the risk, given that the last water through the python was 60 gallons from the tap? I'm thinking that I'd be safe if I let the python sit outside in the sun (it's blazing hot, 90-plus, here) for three days, I'd be safe. Any thoughts welcome.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:06 pm
by Diana
I would be concerned. If there are still drops of water in there, then I would run something through to kill Ich.

Even if the last action was to refill the tank, so lots of new water ran through it. An Ich might have gotten caught in some nook or cranny of the Python.
Add that day's dose of Ich meds into the beginning (tap end) of the Python as you start to refill the tank. Then refill slowly so the medicine stays in the tubing and fittings for a long time.

Even safer is to stop sharing this during the Ich battle. Can you revert to a bucket brigade for one or the other tank?