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lost them

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:16 am
by suebob28
hi i have a juwel vision 180 aquarium 180 liters had for long time last nov i put 5 clown loaches in all ok then last week i put 5 little oto in to help clean the tank now i cannot find the loaches and they do not come out at all i done a 50% water change last week too i put their blood worm in as they love it but no one came out for food when i done the water change i done it because i had 1000s of cone snails to get rid of have i upset the blance or what i dont want to start moving all the plants and wood about but i might have too can anyone help please tested water and that is fine sue :(

Re: lost them

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:29 am
by Diana
Adding so many fish all at one time can make the ammonia spike, and this is very hard on the fish, can easily kill them. If the ammonia test is anything but zero, then this is part of the problem. The tank is large enough, that if the fish were quite young, small, this may not cause an ammonia spike.

When you added the fish to the tank, how did you do it? Let the bag hang in the tank to equalize the temperature? Slowly mix tank water into the bag to make a more gradual adjustment to water chemistry? Drip acclimate?