Bubble Eye Clown

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Bubble Eye Clown

Post by Tinman » Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:18 pm

:?: I have been watching 4 Clowns at the LFS for a year and may well bring them home. They are about 4 inch or so .The problem is one has an eye issue.The outer lens is swollen out like a goldfish .It is sticking out about 1/4"-3/8" or so. I am worried about purchasing this one but do not know what to do.What does the forum think?.It is in with some Bala's and some what looks like petrified wood and gravel so I think the conditions are not optimal. I have watched them for over a year , made an offer which he will ask his partner about tonight .I am unsure now whether to take them or not. I would not separate the four I don't think. What do you guys think though.....

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Post by chefkeith » Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:52 pm

That's a tought one. If I wanted more clowns I'd probably get them because 4" clowns can be hard to find locally. I'd quarantine the fish with the bad eye in a different q-tank from the rest of them. Try to treat that eye with some antibiotics.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:52 pm

I am such a softie. I would bring him home and do my best to make him healthy. Make you can put his Q-tank next to the other Q-tank, so he isn't as lonely.

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Post by fish_frenzy » Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:53 pm

I bought a clown from a local aquarium auction a few years ago and he had a very badly bulged/bubbled eye. I put him in a separate Q tank and treated him for 5 days with melafix and pimafix at half doses. The bubbled part seemed to deflate a bit, but the eye got red and was still bulged as bad as when I first got him.

I continued to do daily 40% water changes for the next 3 weeks, using aged water and just hoped for the best.

I went to feed him that evening before his water change and noticed his eye had "popped"! I quickly did a water change and added melafix and pimafix again. Hoped for the best.

Over the next few days his eye looked better, though it looked shrunken. Redness disappeared and he seemed fine, good appetite, frolicking in the bubbles.

To this day his eye has remained, though shrunken. And he is blind in that eye. I will try and get a pic.

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Post by Dano » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:37 am

If that fish's eye has been swollen for a year and it has not killed it, it is likely to remain swollen. A parasite or bacterial infection would have worsened over time if not treated. If it were me, I would negociate the price down and get the poor thing. I would try antibiotic food, but not have any great expectations.

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Post by Tinman » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:55 am

Thanks guys. I think it is probably an injury. I do not know how long it has been swollen . 4" Loaches are very rare here for purchase. These are the largest I have seen available in over 10 years. I am still considering.I was going to trade my 7 Banded Leporicus and give 100.00 for the four. I could get 11 one inch for that but they take 5 years to get this big,thats lots of food....They have been marked 75.00 each but that is why they are still there. They are the Borneo type .

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Post by starsplitter7 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:14 am

You should get them, because they will have a good home with you.

The Banded Leporinus are a pain aren't they? :) And they are so pretty.

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Post by Tinman » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:28 pm

Well against my better judgement I brought them home today. I also traded in my 7 Banded Leporinus and a huge Bala and have moved my Syncrossus helodes into the 7 foot tank occupied by the now missing fish. I am very excited to be 100% Loach specific here now with 1200 gallons on my system. The 4 new large Clowns are in a 50 gallon 4 foot QT previously occupied with 6 Syncrossus hymenophysa and 6 more Syncrossus helodes who have moved in today with my 50 previously aquired Syncrossus helodes There is much exploration taking place today :D My new Clowns have eaten and are straight into the current generated by the internal pumps in the QT and look very content :D

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Post by starsplitter7 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:49 pm

And where are your pictures? :)

Did you take pictures of the BL before they went?

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Post by chefkeith » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:00 am

Tinman- congrats on the purchase. So all you have is loaches now?

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Post by Tinman » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:32 am

Tinman- congrats on the purchase. So all you have is loaches now?
Not exactly,but my tanks are all designed with loaches as the speciic inhabitants. I still have an Eel and upside down cat and assorted pleco's,my synodontis and the shoal of 13 Albino Tin Foil Barbs as dithers,as well as my 5 Silver Dollars in my dead pool tank with my Blue Botia and Beauforti ,my Rapheal's and other assorted cleaning crews but by losing the BL's I moved my Syncrossus up to a large tank so my four large tanks on the front side are all loach specific enviroments with loaches as the center pieces. Once the BL's sell I may sell my Albino Tin Foils and go to some smaller Tetra's and then I am going to increase my Clown population again so they are not foreshadowed by the boisterous TinFoils. I no longer have a tank without loaches as selling Tinman my large knife and these has opened up much room though :D
And where are your pictures?
When I get done cleaning up I maay shoot some more,I trashed the place making moves yesterday. I am headed back down to clean and do maintenance.I need to mow and do some yard work today as Spring is finally in full swing here.
Did you take pictures of the BL before they went?

I have a few,I will upload them and post a link.

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Post by winner2010 » Fri May 21, 2010 4:31 am

my clarkii clown... and as long as it is eating well... i just left it... it recovered after some weeks later.
my blue eye (male) had it few months back. as long as it is eating... it recovered. i feed just F1 and F2 pellets for all my fishes.

alvin, i don't know it is me or what... when my clarkii clown has it while i was away for my trip and my family didn't pump the zevit reactor for some days slap.gif when i came back... i resume the zeovit dosing and pumping the reactor at least 3x a day... and within few days, the bubble of the clarkii clown disappeared.

(now, i stop using zeovit). when my blue eye has it while i was away... and when i came back from my trip... i dosed vodka for a week till the "bubble" on th blue eyss' eye disappeared and then i stop dosing it.

so, till now i have no idea... what really cos the "bubble" disappear

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