new 50 gallon clown loach tank

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new 50 gallon clown loach tank

Post by uuini » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:03 am

Hi there, I'm new. I've had my 2 clown loaches for several years in a 20 gallon tank (I know it's too small and they should be in a larger school, but back then I didn't know better). I was just given a 50 gallon tank which is 48 x 12.5 x 18 inches and I'd like to set it up for my loaches (and hopefully get them a few more friends). My loaches are still fairly small... the larger one is about 3 inches long and the smaller one is maybe 2.5 inches. I would like to have good water flow as I've read about but I'm really intimidated by the articles I've seen for building the power head manifold thing. I'm also on a tight budget. Can someone suggest an adequate water flow setup that is easy to put together and easy on the wallet? Are there any other essential tips for keeping clown loaches? I've been reading a lot of articles here and elsewhere online and I feel overwhelmed by information. :shock:

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Post by Auntsally » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:32 pm

Hi and welcome. I am sure the experts will come along soon, but I have 6 clowns in a 48" 57 gallon tank, and know that I will have to update soon. Hate to say this but I think 12.5" is very narrow for clowns! I use a Fluval 305 I think they call it, anyway it is the Fluval 300 series. Like you I am confused by the experts and their filtration systems. No matter how often I read the info. I am still bemused. In my limited experience the clowns need other clowns, some dither fish (see other postings) and a couple of black plastic tubes plus any other hidey holes you can manage so long as there are no sharp edges or places they can jam themselves. Mine love black plastic tubes with Java fern tied on. Plenty of water changes 20% twice a week and a soft substrata e.g. sand. I am sure Emma will be along soon and will give you the correct advice. Good luck and enjoy your clowns.

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Post by uuini » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:53 pm

I know my tank setup is less than ideal but I'd hate to have to give up my loaches. I'm really quite attached to them. Plus if I sold them back to the LFS there's no guarantee they'd go to a better home... (this is me trying to justify keeping my loaches even though I can't afford a bigger tank).

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Post by starsplitter7 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:00 pm

Let us know where you are at, so we can give you a beeter idea of the equipment you need. (The names are different in different countries.) :)

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Post by uuini » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:25 pm

I have the tank, a stand, an old Regent (made by Marineland) filter of unknown specific GPH, and... hood, white fluorescent lights, lid, etc. The filter works although its very noisy and the output doesn't seem very strong. It also came with an old glass heater; not sure if it works.

My 20 gallon tank has it's own equipment plus plants, gravel, wood, chemicals, test kits, etc.

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Post by uuini » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:27 pm

Oh, you meant literally, geographically, where I'm at. I thought you meant where I'm at in terms of equipment. :lol: I'm in Oregon, USA.

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Post by uuini » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:44 pm

So the "loaches 101" ( ... ping-botia ) article recommends a spray bar. Are powerheads necessary? My LFS recommended a 'RENA XP 2' cannister filter with a spray bar ( )

Do gold barbs make good "dither" fish? Some articles are very specific about which species will work and others are very general. Are Emperor tetras too timid? My brother has some and they tend to hide in the plants.

I'm still reading the site and the forums so sorry for all the questions. I'm trying to get this new tank set up swiftly.

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Post by Diana » Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:40 pm

I have the same tank as you. It is closer to 45 gallons, but is a great step up for your clowns.
I would run one of these filters on it:
Rena Filstar XP3
Aquaclear 110
Either of these will give you plenty of water movement, and are good filters. For the price, the Aquaclear is really good! Do not let them sell you the next size smaller, though. The Clown Loaches really appreciate the water movement.

If you can add even one powerhead that would be great, even without a manifold. Just put a sponge over the intake so it will not plug up with debris (or catch the fish)
I have heard good things about the PenPlax products: The intake is tapered in a way that fits the PVC pipe very well.
I made a manifold last night in literally 5 minutes. (I was timing myself) Once I had the parts together all it took was a couple of cuts of the PVC, push together the fittings (no glue needed) then cut one part again because it was too long. The manifold I made was a very simple one, just one PH, and one intake for a 20 gallon long, but really, there is no need to worry about cutting and fitting PVC.

Combos that I have on tanks your size:
Aquaclear 110 and Aquaclear powerhead (largest one)
Fluval 404 (Do not get started on the Fluvals) and Aquaclear PH (largest one, again) and some bubbles.
Filstar XP3 and another of the largest Aquaclear powerheads.
Aquaclear 110 and Fluval 404 (on ONE tank! But it is just keeping the filters cycled for when I want to use one somewhere else)

Aquaclear 70 (next size down) on a 40 gallon tank. It is pretty good, but would not be enough for a larger tank.

Best way to get the new tank set up is to move all the equipment, decorations, filters and fish to the new tank. You will be moving just about all the beneficial bacteria, too, so that the new tank will be cycled almost immediately.

Dithers for Clowns can be chosen from a pretty big group of fish: Fish that thrive in the same water parameters, and generally are relatively peaceful, not aggressive. They can be fairly active fish, though, no need for something as shy and 'do nothing' a fish as the Emperor Tetra.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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Post by uuini » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:07 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. :)

So I looked into the river manifold powerhead thing from ... old-design
With the river manifold, do they use another filter in the tank, or just the powerheads? Anyway, parts for that would cost me about $100.

Or, I could use one of the filters you suggested. But if I buy the Rena or the Aquaclear, I'll still need at least one powerhead for current, right?

I'm thinking if I need a powerhead for current anyway, if I can pull off the river manifold design, it might be most cost effective. What do you think?

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Post by uuini » Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:43 pm

So here's what I picked up from the LFS:

Aquaclear 110 HOT filter and Hydor Koralia circulation pump. I explained what I was trying to achieve to the fish guy and showed him your recommendations and this is what he recommended. They had power heads, too, but he said if I didn't need the filtration (which I don't because of the Aquaclear 110), then the circulation pump was easier to install (it sticks to the glass by a huge magnet).

What do you think?

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Post by Diana » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:58 pm

I think that is a good set up. Just watch the area around the powerhead, it will have a powerful flow right there. I would not put any small fish in this tank.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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Post by uuini » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:48 am

Small as in anything smaller than the loaches? Or small as in neon tetra small? I'm trying to figure out a good dither fish. LFS where I bought the filter was rather low on barbs (I like gold barbs). I'm not too keen on tiger barbs... I'll have to see what the other LFS has.

I'm also kind of worried about the suction on the circulation pump but... the intake is set into this base that's like a ball and socket joint so you can direct the pump, and it's got a plastic basket around it. So I don't think anything could get sucked in.

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