Tank mates - clown loaches

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Tank mates - clown loaches

Post by Megan » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:24 pm


It has been ages since I logged into this forum. Getting back ;to things now.

I have a 4' tank with (now) 4 clown loaches. I lost my 8" loach while we were away on hols. I am not sure what happened, but the house sitter didn't notice for a few days I don't think. I am still trying to fix the tank - V large algal bloom. Even had a bright green film on the top of the water. I now seem to have fixed that, but still doing weekly (almost 50%) water changes.

I would like to get another small clown to replace the lost one. I am also thinking of getting 5 - Botia Sidthimunki (Dwarf Loach). I have cory catfish (5) and yo yo loaches (5), a few khulis and 8 rasboras. Will not be doing this until I have the tank sorted out though. I have plenty of hiding places, plenty of plants and lots of wood.

Would just like an opinion on whether the Botia Sidthimunkis will fit in.

Thanks heaps,


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Post by Diana » Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:52 pm

I would not mix such small fish with significantly larger fish.
Any fish that is 1/4 the size of the larger fish can easily end up getting eaten.
While Clowns are not such a great fish-predator I simply would not set up a tank that way.

I think I see 2 tanks in your fish list: Smaller fish (Sids, Kuhlies, Cories and Rasboras) in one tank and larger fish (Clowns, Yoyos) in a larger tank. A 4' long tank is not optimum for the territory needs of the larger Clowns. When thy have their little tiffs it is better if there is more room for them to get out of each others' way. More room for driftwood, rocks and plants to break up the line of site for a cooling off period.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Post by Megan » Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:58 pm

Hi Diana

Thanks so much for the reply.

My clowns are very secretive and never seem to fight. They are always together under the same hide. The 3 smaller ones used to be seen around the tank during the day, but the large one hardly ever came out. And since it died, they all spend all their time in their hide. It is built against the end of the tank and so I can see into it. They all seem healthy, just a lot more shy. My 2 initial loaches would be at least 10 years old, 1 of which I have now lost.

I am not in a position to get another tank. 1 is all I am allowed. We do not have room for any others. The loaches - clowns - have never minded any other fish. When I first got the yo yos they were extremely tiny and they slept in with the clowns as did the baby khulis. All the other loaches spend some time during the day in with the clowns. Is this behaviour not normal?

The corys occasionally zoom around and through the clown's house and they never seem to mind.

My intention originally was to get some fish to bring the clowns out, all to no avail. I tried white clouds, tetras, and the rasboras. However I have now decided to try and make it just loaches. That was my thinking with the sids. Wanted to make sure that they weren't going to clash with any of the other fish in the tank.

Thanks for your info


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Post by Diana » Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:48 am

They are compatible as far as temperature, water movement and water chemistry. I hope it works for you. Yes, sometimes it does take some dither fish to get the shy ones out and about.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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