Tankmate's for Geo's

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Tankmate's for Geo's

Post by jeep04 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:14 am

I just upgraded to a 100gal tank and with just the 2 geo's and 2 luecosticta's it looks empty. Does anyone have any suggestions for middle to upper level fish that will not be aggressive to the geo's. I would prefer something with a little color, i was considering Blue German Rams but i was worried they would stay to small. Also do you think there is any space left on the substrate for a couple smaller loaches such as YoYo's, i do have a single clown loach and i heard they sometime's school with YoYo's. I know clown's get huge and they like to be in groups but the group i had would not let this one eat,so i got rid of all except him and he has since doubled in thickness and seems very happy. Just figured i would add that so everyone isn't worried about the poor lonely Loach, by the way the tank dimensions are 48x24x24 and i have a Rena xp4 and 2 Fluval u4's,water changes are weekly 30-40%.
100 gallon with 1 Clown Loach,2 satanoperca leucosticta , 1 geophagus dicrozoster,1 geo pindare, 2 Long finned albino bristlenose. 75gal with single Red Devil

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Re: Tankmate's for Geo's

Post by Diana » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:52 pm

Middle to upper level, with color:
Rainbows. There are many species, most are highly active, and among the species there is quite a range of color. Overall they are adapted to a wide range of water conditions, but have a look at some specific species to see what might be the best fit for the water you have. GH, KH, TDS, temperature... I would suggest a minimum tank length of about 4'. My larger rainbows easily swim back and forth in that much space, and were really happy to move up from a 3' long tank.
Here is a site with lots of info. A lot of the info on water chemistry is from tests done in the wild where these fish are native, and done over several years and at different seasons.
http://members.optushome.com.au/rainbow ... Melano.htm

I think Rams are too small, and not good with larger Cichlids.
Loaches might work, as long as they are willing to put up with some pushiness from your Cichlids. Perhaps some caves, arches of driftwood or similar decor to give all the fish several choices in hiding places. Yes, Clown Loaches would get too big for 100 gallons, but Yoyos might work very well. They can be just pushy enough to stand up for themselves, and are good at hiding if they need to.
If you need a more aggressive Loach look into the group referred to as Tiger Loaches and their relatives, or Skunk Loaches (Skunks also tend to stay a bit higher in the tank)
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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