Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

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Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by tmcmullen » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:13 pm

My 10+ year-old Clown Loach has suddenly developed very obvious google-eyes and a very round belly. I have been doing regular water changes weekly or by-weekly, and I don't know what is causing this problem. I did another big water change yesterday and started Maracyn-2 today. Any other suggestions?

All other perameters are good. She is in a 75gal community tank and instead of stressing her by removing her to a hospital tank (I don't have one ready to use), I decided to dose the whole tank. Please send any advice you can.

**UPDATE** I am now wondering if she could be gravid. She looks just like a CL that another member posted of his female which he claimed was full of eggs, except that her eyes are protruding. She's getting fatter and fatter by the day. I know she's female because she has a shorter tail with a less pronounced "V" than her mate. Her mate is longer, more slender, and has a very pronounced "V" on the tail fin. Now I wonder if adding the medication was a good idea or not, but I still have to treat the eyes. They're cloudy and protruding/bulging.

Here are some changes lately...I have been changing the water weekly, no salt in the water. I fed blood worms as a treat just about a week ago and they went nuts over them. I have noticed that the two large clowns (who have been together for 10 years) have been battling a lot lately. The male has been very aggressive towards the female. He chases her and pesters her more than he ever did. In the 10 years I've had these CL's this is the first time I've seen her belly swell like this. She is very hungry and goes after all the food that I put in the tank.

Does any of this info help?

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by tmcmullen » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:34 am

I am very disappointed that I received no replies on this post. I treated with one full cycle of Maracyn2, and added salt to the water in case she was egg bound, and to help with whatever disease she "may have". I left for vacation Friday through Sunday and when I returned she was no longer bloated although her eyes are still protruding some, and there is a cloudy ring around the outside of her eyes. She acts fine, eats fine, and swims fine. I assume it was just eggs but I realize that it's possible it was an internal infection cleared up by Maracyn 2.

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by fain » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:31 pm

I'm glad that she is doing better. Wish there were some suggestions that I could give you, but I don't really know that much about clown loaches. :( I hope that she was just gravid and a little stressed about it. Is there any sign that she may have laid eggs anywhere in the tank?

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by tmcmullen » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:41 pm

Unfortunately today she isn't looking good at all. Her body is covered in a film that doesn't just look like slime coat, her eyes are no longer protruding, but she also has a red dot on both sides of her abdomen that looks like a blood spot and it's in the same area on both sides, almost as if whatever it is goes through from one side to the other. No, I never noticed any eggs, so I'm thinking now that it was an internal disease or infection. :(

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by glenna » Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:05 pm

how did your poor loach fare?

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by EmilyMarie85 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:47 pm

Sorry for my delayed 2 cents -- it almost sounds (sounded) like dropsy, caused by maybe a swelling organ. If the organ ruptured, that would explain the decrease in bloat and eyes but the appearance of the red in the abdomen.

Also, just a side note: you said the clown was 10+ years old --- what size is it? IME, 10+ year old clowns are 8"+ -- IMHO a fish that size should really be in a tank at least 6 feet long.

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Re: Bloated CL with Protruding eyes

Post by tmcmullen » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:44 am

Thanks for your 2 cents worth, Emily. I'm thinking it was some sort of internal infection. The two 11-yr old clowns I had in my tank were 6 to 8 inches. The female who just passed away was 6 inches. The male, who is still doing well, is 8 inches. They are my favorite fish and the main reason I have an aquarium. I upgraded from a 55 to a 75 last year to accomodate the larger clowns. I do not have the space for a 6ft aquarium, so I hope my remaining 11-yr old clown will be happy in his current home for a number of years. :)

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