White fuzzy patches on Gold Loaches

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White fuzzy patches on Gold Loaches

Post by g02sle3p » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:31 pm

Hey, all -

I've had my tank fully cycled for about a month now, all chemical readings are normal, just wanted to start off with that.

Last night, I believe my two Gold Loaches may have inadvertantly hurt / scraped themselves on one of the ornaments that Ihave in the tank because this morning they both have white, fuzzy patches around their heads. I'm assuming this because I don't see any signs of Ich in the tank. I don't believe it's near their eyes or gills. I'm pretty sure it's not Ich because I had one Flame Dwarf Gourami, one Rubbernose Pleco, and 4 Zebra Danio's and no one else displays any white spots or fuzz that would be associated with Ich. Only my two Loaches have white, fuzzy patches on them. The shorter, more gold colored loach has less fuzz than the longer, whiter one. The longer one has it all over his head, but again, I believe that it is not near the gills, definitely not near the eyes or mouth. I need to give them a better look when I get out of work.

They seem a bit lethargic this morning, but had eaten late last night. I had to get into work early today, luckily my father was off as I did a little research and figured the best thing to do was to treat them with API's Melafix and Pimafix. I also raised the heater up a little before I left this morning. My dad added the instructed amount of Mela and Pima, said that they are both swimming around just fine since he gave the dosage this morning.

I've searched all day at work (spent most of my morning researching aside from doing actual work, I was honestly about to come in late today because of this) and haven't found ANYTHING like what I've seen this morning. It leads me to believe it's a wound-produced bacteria rather than a disease. Anyone else think so?

When I leave work this evening, I'll see if I can snap some photos of them to see if you guys can give any insight.

Please let me know if this sounds like anything familiar, as I haven't been able to fully research anything.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: White fuzzy patches on Gold Loaches

Post by g02sle3p » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:36 pm

Can a mod please move this to the health section of the forum?

I posted it in the wrong section, I believe.


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Re: White fuzzy patches on Gold Loaches

Post by Graeme Robson » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:39 pm

Done. 8)

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Re: White fuzzy patches on Gold Loaches

Post by ahmandi2 » Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:54 pm

Had the same thing in one dojo a couple of months back. It was a puncture wound that festered. She died a day after the fuzzyness was first visible. It was FAST. And horrific. I hope that you don't have the same thing, but I think it was what you mentioned (wound-produced bacteria) and not an illness, as none of our other tank denizens had any issues at the time...
I hope it gets better. Keep us posted....
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