Most Unusual! Need Help to id this

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Most Unusual! Need Help to id this

Post by hollie526 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:21 am

Hello, I am hoping to get some serious constructive helpful ideas to this juvenille dojo loach I was given. He seems to be functioning normally, does not appear to be stressed or struggling, eating and what not and I am baffled as to what happened to this Dojo and if I can help him or if this is what he will look like. Now if this is the case I am totally fine being his caregiver. From what the store girl told me they (6) dojos traveled with aggressive fish, not sure who would have thought that was smart. So I am thinking it is possible that he may have been injured, however he is acting as thought the deformed prey mantis looking head is what he is use to. Has anyone ever heard or seen this type of prey mantis head on a juvenile dojo or any fish ever for that matter? Could this be a tumour, cyst or growth of some type or virus? I have several pictures so I am hoping I can attach them so maybe someone can I.D what this in fact is. Thank You so much for your help

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