My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

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My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Kayleigh123 » Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:00 pm




So, I ordered this precious zodiac loach online (along with 2 cichlids and a pleco) at I was very excited to see that my new fish all came healthy (as far as I knew) and alive. I did not quarantine them, (I know, I know!) but I acclimated them all the same way I do all my other fish. I have had them since last Tuesday, June 25. All the other fish look great and are behaving great! But, I have been observing my loach lately and I noticed these two white "spots". I circled them in red in the pictures I posted. They are flat and appear to have no texture at all. There are only two, on either side of the body in the same place! He/she is not lethargic, is swimming around happily even nipping at my cichlids! He eats whatever I put in there (so far just Omega One cichlid pellets and live brine shrimp). He seems happy all around and is showing no signs of being ill, but these spots have me worried! I read that loaches can "shed" their slime coats, but I didn't have any luck finding pictures of that. I hope that I am just being over protective but if ANYONE can help me, I'd appreciate it so much!

Thank you in advance for any advice given! :mrgreen:

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Re: My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Kayleigh123 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:41 pm

I like to add natural decor to my tank:)

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Jim Powers
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Re: My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Jim Powers » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:14 pm

First of all the fish looks a bit odd to me. It looks as if it was underfed prior to you getting it and then has been filling its belly ever since. Is that the way it was when you received it?
As for the white patches, those may be a bacterial or fungal infection. I would keep an eye on them and treat with the proper antibiotic if the patches grow at all.
Good luck!!

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Re: My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Kayleigh123 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:44 pm

Yes, that was how he looked. I noticed he was skinny, but I didn't think much of it because he eats well every time I feed them and I've only had him for a week, so I think he may fatten up in time. And he isn't lethargic or sick acting.

As for the spots, they haven't grown at all. They don't look all fuzzy, and it's weird that they are in identical places. Do you have any recommendations on medicine for loaches? I have some API fungus cure tablets but I'm not sure if it is safe for him.

Thank you for the reply:)

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Jim Powers
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Re: My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Jim Powers » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:28 pm

Its really hard to tell what the spots are from the pic. Are you sure they are not part of the natural markings?
Under the circumstances, I would not really want to recommend anything without knowing more. Generally speaking, though, loaches can be treated with antibiotics at full dose and duration, without problem. Any chemical treatment,however, needs to be used cautiously. Since loaches are almost scaleless, they tend to be sensitive to chemical medications. If you decide to try one, you need to make sure it is safe for scaleless or sensitive fish. Sometimes it is good to use a quarter or half dose at first and see how the fish react in the first few hours.
But, for now, if the spots are not growing and the fish is eating and acting well, I would just observe it and make sure you keep the water quality high.

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Re: My prized zodiac loach is sick?! Please help!

Post by Kayleigh123 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:21 am

I did about a 25% water change today, definitely making sure the water is clean.

I don't believe they are part of his markings, I've never seen them on any pictures I've looked at.

I'm going to continue observing him and reaseatch the meds just in case. Most fungal cases I've read about seem to have a high and fast death rate, so hopefully whatever this is will disappear on it's own.

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