The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

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The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by amlins » Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:01 pm

Hi all-

We are pretty new to keeping loaches and want to make sure I'm doing everything right.

We initially got 4 clown loaches from our LFS and 3 of them died within the first day or two of getting them. The fourth little guy (probably 1 inch) is doing great. We moved house in the meantime so we didnt' want to get other friends for him until after the move. We've moved now and have one more clown loach in there with him (maybe 2 inches long) and they are inseparable. We would like to get them 3 more friends and are in the process of buying a 75 gallon tank (they are in a 45 gallon now). I'd like to set up sand as the substrate and read recommendations for Leslie's Pool Supplies. I found one where we live, called them and it's really cheap! So, my question is is there only one kind of "pool filter sand"? I want to make sure I'm not putting the wrong thing in the tank and having it be so cheap would mean we could start setting up the new tank that much quicker.

Oh, and btw I know that 75 gallons will not be big enough for the clowns for a while but 75 is what we can do now and will start saving up for an upgrade.

My next question is about whether there is anywhere on this forum or online where we might find a good home for 2 zebra loaches. We got some bad info. from the LFS (surprise, surprise). We also have a 10 gallon tank with one female betta in it that was getting overrun with snails. The guy at the store told us that 2 zebra loaches would be fine on their own in there but they are terrified. I did more reading and it seems like they should be with at least 5 other fish. We would like to find a home for them with other zebra loaches as I'm afraid to put them in the 45 gallon because we also have a school of cories and I"m worried they might not get along. My son really doesn't want to give them to store or CL because he's worried they won't go to a home with others of their kind. So, any ideas on how to get them a good home would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by bookpage » Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:01 pm

Welcome to the forum, Amy. There are a lot of nice folks on here and they can give you good advice. Just remember, what is good for one person may be always be good for someone else. Use your best judgement.

I think it would be fine to put the zebra loaches in the 45 with the clowns. Yes, they should have 2 or 3 more zebras to be with. Most loaches are the same in that regard. More is better.

Leslie's Pool only has one type of sand that I know of. There are other types of sand that you can use, but most will agree that pool filter sand is a good sand to use.

Let us know if you have any other questions and be sure and post pictures when you have your tank setup.

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Re: The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by amlins » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:50 am

Thanks for the advice. I put the 2 zebra loaches in the 45 last night and they seemed a bit happier. They explored the tank, checked out the cories and clowns and then I think settled inside some driftwood. And then one of them was out again later. We will go and get them a few more friends too.

And thanks about the sand. We're excited to set up the new tank and have sand for them.


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Re: The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by Fishwife » Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:51 am

I have 3 rescued striated (zebra) loaches that school happily with my 11 clowns even the ones five times there size lol. They are so happy they have been spawning as of recent. I think putting them with your clowns was the best thing u could do.I should mention also that if they aren't swimming with my clowns they are with my school of panda cories. So I wouldn't worry. .... Don't buy colored or tattooed fish! Let your LFS know you won't stand for it.

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Re: The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by amlins » Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:37 pm

That sounds very cute,

Thanks, you're right. They are out now and are either hanging out with each other, exploring holes in the driftwood or hanging out near the clowns. They seem much more relaxed now. So I'm not too worried about them and will get them some friends when we get everyone in the new tank.

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Re: The right kind of sand and tankmate questions

Post by joeybab3 » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:20 pm

amlins wrote:That sounds very cute,

Thanks, you're right. They are out now and are either hanging out with each other, exploring holes in the driftwood or hanging out near the clowns. They seem much more relaxed now. So I'm not too worried about them and will get them some friends when we get everyone in the new tank.
id like to see your tank. can you post a picture?
60 gallon All loach tank
20g salt
10g goldfish

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