Sick Loach

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Sick Loach

Post by Geoffrey » Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:39 pm

A couple days ago, it looked like my black kuhli loach was acting "funny". When he swam, it seemed like he was having a seizure. His body was bent like a "z" when swimming.
But now he's bent at 45-90 degrees even though he isn't swimming. He seems to lay on his back frequently now and also seems to be gasping for air. Or at least, his mouth is twitching a lot, as if he's eating, just like a rabbit.

I also tested the water right away and didn't find anything abnormal.
pH: about 7.8 (I know, it's a bit high, but I read that as long as the pH remains steady it's fine)
Ammonia: 0 PPM
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10-20 ppm

I have a 10 gallon with a heater and a Hagen Marina Slim 15.
I have a betta, 5 neon tetras, and 4 black kuhli loaches

Is a a bacterial/viral infection or a parasite? Do I need to quarantine him? Unfortunately, I don't have much of a quarantine tank. It's a 2.5 gallon with a heater, but no filter (it used to be the betta's tank).
Or might it be something else?

I've got a video of his behaviour/"seizures"

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