Schistura oedipus*x

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Martin Thoene
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Schistura oedipus*x

Post by Martin Thoene » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:58 pm

*work in progress*

Scientific name: Schistura oedipus (Kottelat, 1988)

Common name: None known

Synonyms: None

Distribution: Thailand

Sexual Dimorphism: Unknown

Maximum size: 2 to 3 inches (5 -8cm)

Similar to: Other cave Schistura Species

Care: Only lives in slow flow in nature, but has been observed climbing waterfalls inside caves. Requires a well-filtered and oxygenated aquarium with lots of hiding places and sand substrate.

Feeding: Probably would accept most aquarium foods offered - sinking catfish pellets, flake, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, daphnia etc.

Water parameters: pH: 6-7.5, Hardness: Medium. Max dh: 12

Temperature: 70ºF to 79ºF (21-26°C)

Breeding: None reported in aquaria.

Notes: Schistura oedipus is one of a few blind, cave dwelling Loach species. Found in small groups in pools or solitary in rapids and waterfalls. Due to its very limited location it is at risk from collection for aquaria so it is not recommended that it be considered for such.

However, blind cave loaches are known to have been imported into North America and it is possible they were this species. Its inclusion here is mainly out of interest.

Caption: Schistura oedipus
Credit: Kamphol Udomritthiruj

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