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Post by mamaschild » Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:27 am

I'm so happy :):):)

I ran into my LFS on Sat. to pick up some filters, and as usual, I checked out the stock. 3/4 of the way through the tanks I spotted Horseface Loaches....just 3, one little, 2 about 4". I watched, stared, admired for about 10 minutes, then asked what they were selling for, since it wasn't on the tank.

$4.99 :shock: I told him I wanted all 3. He's a GREAT guy, been very helpful, and is quite knowledgeable. He was the one that ordered the dears :) He caught the two bigger ones, then started digging around gently in the gravel. Unbeknownst to me, there were more bigger ones hiding that HE KNEW ABOUT :):) He found me another larger one and I took them home.

Turns out, I have 2 different types. Here's links to the pics I took before they decided to burrow into the sand in my tank. Since then, I've seen one out, and spotted one burried right up against the glass. I hope they decide to come out more often once they get comfy :D

I have two like this
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... faceCR.jpg

and one like this
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... lsupCR.jpg

I'm a HAPPY CAMPER :mrgreen: :mrgreen::mrgreen:

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Post by shari » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:05 pm

Feed them up real well, Shari. (still cracks me up to type that!) They both look really thin. :wink:

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Martin Thoene
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Post by Martin Thoene » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:37 pm

Shari wrote:Feed them up real well, Shari. (still cracks me up to type that!) They both look really thin. :wink:
Yeah, I would second that Shari......errr Shari. The second pic particularly looks pretty thin. Get some bloodworm into them and they'll be OK.

Martin (singular).
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Post by mamaschild » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:58 pm

Thanks, Shari and Martin (yep, Shari, that's strange, huh ;))

I gave them Brine Shrimp last night, and had the spotted one come out to eat. I plan on Bloodworms tonight :)

I know they look skinney, but do they look "overly" skinney, like skinney disease??? I didn't notice a sunken tummy on any of them, but ???

Anything I should worry about with these guys? This is the tank they went into:
http://www.tropicalfishgallery.com/phot ... m=52&pos=6
It's changed a bit, but still heavily planted. It's a 55g with about 3" of sand Substrate w/driftwood and Lava Rocks. I hope I never have to move them, since I have no CLUE how I would get them out of here :shock: :wink:

There are basically Tetras, Kuhlis, BN's and a couple odd things in here (Syno Petricola, couple of surviving Gupps, stuff like that). Nothing that will hurt them, that's for sure. Will they hurt anyone???

Yes, I'm doing my research, but I ALWAYS look for personal experiences :)

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Post by shari » Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:17 pm

No, it doesn't look like CWS to me, just that they are painfully thin.

I had my horsie in with breeding angels that spawned. He didn't bother the eggs or wigglers at all. Once they were free swimming and would crowd into a cloud at night near the bottom and would easily have fit into his mouth, he never bothered them. That may have been due to the parents presence. However, I had to remove the parents while the babies were still only about a week old (still small enough for him to eat). Even then, when they were 'sleeping' on the sand (or even on him!) he just ignored them...

And yes, it would be tough to get them out! 8)

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Martin Thoene
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Post by Martin Thoene » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:11 pm

Yeah, ask Mark about Horseface wrangling :lol:

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Post by Mark in Vancouver » Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:46 pm

Ahhh... The trick with this loach is to keep them in one tank for as long as you possibly can. They are nightmarish to catch! When I feed frozen (thawed) food at night, I always allow the other fish to eat and then turn off the lights and add a bit more food. Horsies can be extremely shy, and you want them to develop a routine. Mine will often surface from the substrate as they await feeding - they know what time it is. I try to deal with them when they are above ground in a way that minimizes their view of me. You can move your arm and they'll be gone in a flash. They tend to hide for a while before resurfacing. You'll get the hang of it. At other times, if you look carefully, you'll see that they are quite confident with only their noses and eyes above the substrate. I guess they figure you can't see them so they feel safe.

Meaty food like bloodworms and brineshrimp should fatten them up, but if your skinny one doesn't improve, consider treating for parasites with Praziquantal or something. Congratulations - they are very weird little animals and a pleasure to keep.
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Post by Graeme Robson » Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:49 am

Congratulations! :D Enjoy the limited time of viewings. And also keep an eye out for little heads.


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Post by mamaschild » Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:10 am

That's wonderful info everyone. Thanks MUCHO :D

Graeme, that's exactly what I'm on the look out for :mrgreen:

Just an update. I fed them Bloodworms last night, but long before that, one of the silver ones made an appearance. Just tooled around the tank then dug back in. Right before I fed, the Spotted one came out and did the same. That's when I decided I to feed to since that one was around. I didn't see it eat, but it went under a piece of driftwood where there was food, so I assume it did.

One thing I hope I've done right.....the tank is in my bedroom. That means only Hubby and I walk near it. Whenever I see one of these guys out, I slide down to the end of the bed and just stare :lol: As long as I do it slowly with no jerky movements, they don't seem to mind me being 6 inches from them.


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Post by Graeme Robson » Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:36 pm

Yeah it sounds right. A tank placed where heavy traffic of people walking past is not good for loaches.

You lucky "gal" I wish i could wake up and watch the Loachys.

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Post by mamaschild » Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:21 am

My Horsies must like their new home :):)

I watched two of them eating before lights out last night. WOOHOO :D

Then this morning, all 3 were out waiting for breakfast :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I was incorrect in what I have, however. Turns out I have 2 of the spotted ones, and 1 silver with the single lateral line. The second pic in my first post of the skinney, spotted guy? There's also a bigger (and fatter :)) one of those.

I'm so glad these guys are showing themselves for me and Hubby. I've managed to get hubby VERY involved in "MY" hobby over the last few months, and he is LOVIN' these guys :):):)

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Post by avant » Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:34 am

haa... that's good news!
maybe he'll start his own loach tank too! :)

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